An online Conference – please note that the link bellow will remain active until Tuesday 14 April only!
De : Conigliaro, Michela (FOA) Envoyé : vendredi 10 avril 2020 17:11
Cc : Borelli, Simone (FOA) <>; SALBITANO Fabio ( <>
Dear Colleague,
Please find attached to this message the final agenda for the Workshop. As you will see, for each session, a specific link is provided to join the meeting. For ease of access, calendar invitations (one for each session) will also be sent later on today to those who have confirmed their participation.
As already mentioned in our previous communication below, we have prepared a short questionnaire that you are kindly invited to fill in to help us better orient the discussion and identify priorities for action. Here is the link to the questionnaire: Please note that the link will remain active until Tuesday 14 April, in order for us to have time to revise responses and draft a synthesis report prior to the workshop (answers will be treated confidentially and will anonimously). Both members participating in the meeting and those not taking part in the event are invited to fill in the questionnaire.
We look forward to counting on your participation next week.
Best regards,
Michela Conigliaro (on behalf of the Secretariat of the Silva Mediterranea Working Group on UPF)
Agroforestry/Urban and peri-urban forestry
Forestry Policy and Resources Division
FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Rome, Italy
Phone: + 39 06 570 54420
Skype: m.conigliaro
From: Conigliaro, Michela (FOA) <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2020 3:49 PM
Cc: Borelli, Simone (FOA) <>; SALBITANO Fabio ( <>
Subject: DRAFT AGENDA - XI Workshop of the Silva Mediterranea Working Group on UPF
Dear Colleague,
As a follow up to my message of Monday 30 March (see below), please find attached the draft agenda of the XI Workshop of the Silva Mediterranea WG on UPF.
The workshop will be structured into four 90-minutes sessions:
Session 1 - The Working Group in the framework of Silva Mediterranea
Session 2 - Inspirational UPF projects developed in the Region
Session 3 - Revising activities and work plan
Session 4 - What next?
For Session 2, in particular, the aim is to share information on UPF-related projects/studies that are either ongoing or currently under development in the Region at local/national/international level. Should you have interesting cases to report on (even not directly developed by you), please let us know by Thursday this week (9 April) in order for us to include your presentation in the final programme of the event that will be sent out on Friday. We are also planning to send a short questionnaire to help us better orient the discussion.
Feel free to share this message within your professional networks, requesting those who are interested to write to us so that we can include them in the mailing list for the event.
Best regards,
Michela Conigliaro (on behalf of the Secretariat of the Silva Mediterranea Working Group on UPF)
Agroforestry/Urban and peri-urban forestry
Forestry Policy and Resources Division
FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Rome, Italy
Phone: + 39 06 570 54420
Skype: m.conigliaro