IUFRO NEWS 6, 2021
Dear IUFRO Officeholder:
We are happy to present to you issue 6 of
IUFRO News 2021, volume 50!
This issue of IUFRO News Issue is also
available for download as a PDF or Word file
at: https://www.iufro.org/publications/news/electronic-news/
Please share this newsletter widely
with your colleagues and interested
audiences and publish the link on your
organization's website!
We are also pleased to announce IUFRO
WORLD DAY - Digital Forest Science Forum
2021 – to be held on 28-29
September 2021! This unique
24-hours event aims to showcase the science
covered by IUFRO research units and Member
Organizations, and to facilitate networking
and communication. We look forward to
your active participation: https://www.iufroworldday.org/
Best wishes,
Alexander Buck
IUFRO Executive Director
To find out more about IUFRO, visit
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IUFRO News is widely distributed among
IUFRO Members, officeholders and other
interested groups. If you would like to
publish in IUFRO News, contribute to the
IUFRO website content or promote a
publication via IUFRO Spotlight, do not
hesitate to contact us at IUFRO
Headquarters: office@iufro.org
Divisions are the Scientific
Backbone of IUFRO
Read this interview with
Professor Daniela Kleinschmit, IUFRO
Vice-President, Divisions, and find out
about why Dr. Kleinschmit specialized in
forest policy and economics, why she thinks
communication is important for scientists,
and where she would like to see the IUFRO
Divisions ten years from now. More…
UN-DER the Microscope: Forest
Science in Ecosystem Restoration
With all eyes turned to the United Nations
Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, which was
launched on World Environment Day, June 5th,
2021, the role of forests in healthy
functioning ecosystems was front and center.
Read about IUFRO's contributions to the
Global Landscapes Forum on African Drylands
and other activities. More…
Global Landscapes Forum (GLFx)
Lilongwe Chapter Launched: Restoring
Malawi's Degraded and Deforested Landscapes
On 21 May 2021, a chapter
of the Global Landscapes Forum (GLFx) was
launched with a commitment to restoring 4.5
million hectares of degraded and deforested
lands across Malawi by 2030. Among the
dignitaries who attended the launch was the
Minister of Forestry and Natural Resources,
the Hon. Nancy Tembo. More…
Landscape Ecology in the UN
Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
The 4th webinar of the
IUFRO Landscape Ecology Working Party
discussed opportunities that the UN Decade
brings to forest landscape ecology, showed
contributions of research to the goals and
objectives of the restoration initiative,
and provided an overlook of forest landscape
restoration projects across the world. More…
Forest Roads in New Zealand
The seminar series on Forest
Roads: Regional perspectives from around
the world is hosted by IUFRO Working
Party 3.01.02 Road Engineering and
Management. The series provides regional
perspectives on the design, construction,
and management of forest road systems. Find
out about the 5th seminar in the
series. More…
The Economics of US Forests as a
Natural Climate Solution
This webinar involving
IUFRO Research Group 9.02.00 took place on
29 April and was kindly hosted by Ohio State
University. It gathered 350 participants
from 13 countries. The webinar focused on
the increased potential role of forests in
meeting ambitious global commitments to
address climate change. More…
International Virtual Workshop
on Integrated Forest Insect Pest Management,
and Forest Restoration
After a short meeting summary was published
in the previous issue of IUFRO News, you can
now read a more comprehensive report by Dr.
Ho Sang Kang, Coordinator of Research Group
1.10.00 Long-term research on forest
ecosystem management. More…
GFEP Conducts Consultation with
200 Stakeholders in Africa
In April and May 2021,
IUFRO's Global Forest Experts Panel (GFEP)
Programme conducted a stakeholder
consultation with about 200 stakeholders in
Africa in the development of an upcoming
regional policy brief entitled, 'Forests,
Trees and Poverty Alleviation in Africa: An
Expanded Policy Brief'. This Policy Brief
will be launched on 9 July 2021. Find out more!
Need to Strengthen Forest
Education at All Levels in Many Parts of the
Key findings of a global
survey on forest education were unveiled at
the International Conference on Forest
Education (ICFE), a three-day event running
from 22 – 24 June. The conference was
organized by FAO, ITTO and IUFRO, and shone
a light on the important role forest
education plays in maximizing the
contributions of forests and trees to the
SDGs. More…
News from IUFRO Headquarters:
Welcoming New Team Member Carola Egger
On 1 May 2021, Carola Egger
joined IUFRO as the Project Manager for the
IUFRO World Day. Carola recently completed
the Joint Study International Master
Programme (MSc) "Natural Resources
Management and Ecological Engineering" at
the University of Natural Resources and Life
Sciences in Vienna (BOKU), Austria. Find out
In this section you will
find an op-ed by the IUFRO President about
forest landscape restoration, the latest
IUFRO Spotlight on a webinar on insect
behavior, a brochure about the YSI - Young
Scientists Initiative, scientific papers and
calls for journal contributions and much more…
IUFRO News Issue 6, 2021,
published in June 2021
by IUFRO Headquarters, Marxergasse 2, 1030
Vienna, Austria.
Available for download at: https://www.iufro.org/publications/news/electronic-news/
Contact the editor at office(at)iufro.org
or visit https://www.iufro.org/
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