Dear Members of IUFRO Mailing List 7.01.08:


I hope this message finds you well and healthy!


I am contacting you to inform you that this IUFRO mailing list will be closed, because some time ago Research Group 7.01.00 and all its related IUFRO Working Parties were moved into Division 8, as Research Group 8.04.00 and related Working Parties.


Research Group 8.04.00 has its own mailing list. If you are interested to join, please visit and subscribe at Detailed instructions are available in the Guidelines for Registration at IUFRO Mailing lists.


If you wish to subscribe to any other IUFRO mailing list, please:


Best wishes


Brigitte Burger


Mag. Brigitte Burger - Web Management and Social Media; Network Communication
International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)
IUFRO Headquarters - Secretariat

Marxergasse 2, 1030 Vienna, Austria

Tel.: +43-1-877 0151-14 * Fax: +43-1-877 0151-50
Website: * Email:
