IUFRO NEWS 10, 2022
Dear IUFRO Officeholder:
We are happy to present to you Issue 10 of IUFRO News 2022, volume 51!
This issue of IUFRO News Issue is also available for download as a PDF or Word file at: https://www.iufro.org/publications/news/electronic-news/
Please share this newsletter widely with your colleagues and interested audiences and publish the link on your organization’s website! Also kindly share any changes of contact person(s) and email address(es) of your organization(s).
Best wishes,
Alexander Buck IUFRO Executive Director
To find out more about IUFRO, visit https://www.iufro.org Follow our blog at https://blog.iufro.org/ Follow IUFRO on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram IUFRO News is widely distributed among IUFRO Members, officeholders and other interested groups. If you would like to publish in IUFRO News and/or contribute to the IUFRO website content, do not hesitate to contact us at IUFRO Headquarters: office@iufro.org
Forest Health – Pathology and Entomology - IUFRO All-Division 7 Conference
From September 6 to 9, 2022, approximately 350 delegates from 41 countries and five continents attended the IUFRO All-Division 7 Conference in Lisbon, Portugal. This was the first joint meeting of the Pathology and Entomology Research Groups since the IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress in Freiburg in 2017. More…
Ghana Hosted 4th World Teak Conference 2022
The 4th World Teak Conference with the theme “Global Teak Market; Challenges and Opportunities for Emerging Markets and Developing Economies” was successfully organized in Accra, Ghana from 5-8 September 2022, for the first time in an African country. It facilitated the transfer of knowledge and technology among teak growing countries. More…
One Big Family – Shaping Our Future Together: COFE-FORMEC-IUFRO Division 3 Joint Conference
The joint conference of the Council on Forest Engineering (COFE), Symposium on Forest Mechanization (FORMEC) and IUFRO Division 3 was kindly hosted by Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, U.S.A., on October 4-7, 2022. The focus of the meeting was on building a strong community of forest engineering across continents and sectors. More…
Connecting Knowledge and Minds
The 2nd IUFRO Division 3 Doctoral Student Conference brought 15 PhD students from around the world to Oregon. Representing 9 countries in 4 continents (Africa, Europe, North America and South America), the students of Division 3 research disciplines - forest operations engineering and management - shared knowledge, professionalism and friendship throughout the conference. More…
Abies & Pinus 2022
The international IUFRO conference "Fir and pine management in a changing environment: risks and opportunities" was organized in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on 19-22 September 2022 with the aim of reviewing past experiences and improving the management of fir and pine in a changing environment. More…
Natural Resources, Green Technology and Sustainable Development
After the great success of the GREEN2014, GREEN2016 and GREEN2018 conferences and a break due to the pandemic, leading experts from all over the world gathered in Zagreb, Croatia, from 14-16 September 2022 for the fourth International Scientific & Expert Conference GREEN/4". More…
Forest Mensuration and Modelling Chats
The topic of the webinar on 27 September 2022 was "Growth and yield modeling of fast-grown intensively managed forest plantations in Chile: A long term collaborative research effort". The next webinar in the series will take place on November 28: "Field Study on Critical Height Sampling and Its Antithetic Variants". More…
Innovative Tools to Analyze Species-Environment Relationships
The Training School was organized within the framework of the COST Action CA18207 "Biodiversity of Temperate forest Taxa Orienting Management Sustainability by Unifying Perspectives". It presented the state of the art of established and recent advanced tools to model species-environment relationships. More…
IUFRO-Mondi Partnership 2nd Think Tank Meeting held in Vienna
The IUFRO-Mondi Partnership held its 2nd Think Tank Meeting in Vienna, Austria, on 3 November 2022. More than 20 participants representing science, forest industry and policy followed the invitation to identify, discuss and articulate appropriate response measures at various levels. More…
Report on Forests and Human Health on the Home Stretch
As the preparation of a new GFEP assessment on Forests and Human Health advances toward its conclusion, the Expert Panel convened in Vienna, Austria, for a hybrid third and final meeting. The assessment will provide reliable and synthesized scientific information crucial to address the complex relationship between forests and human health in changing global conditions. More…
IUFRO HQ Has a New Communicator on Set: Jose Bolaños - Where Movies and Forest Meet
We are happy to announce that our communications team has grown. José Bolaños joined in September and said, "It seems that communications + networking + forest science has branched out of me. Pun intended. And then when I saw the opportunity to join IUFRO, it was no surprise that I was eager to apply. Keep tuned!" More…
Meet Samuel Fajana from Nigeria, IFSA Intern at IUFRO HQ
His passion for climate policy, forest science and environmental sustainability fueled his application for an IUFRO internship for September and October 2022. Samuel said, "The internship opportunity helped me to obtain unique and versatile experience and improve my skills for later work engagement in my future career." More…
Guidance to IUFRO Officeholders
A new guidance document is available for IUFRO officeholders outlining the basic values and principles of IUFRO: "Promoting the IUFRO spirit". It highlights IUFRO's vision, mission, core values and the principle of Freedom and Responsibility of Science of the International Science Council (ISC). More…
Survey on Sustainable Forest Management
In the attempt to address the increasing societal demand and policy concern for biodiversity-friendly and climate-resilient forest management, many forest-related concepts appeared in the last decade. This survey shall help to understand how SFM is connoted to other forest-related concepts currently abundant in the political debate and scientific literature. More…
Photo Contest – From Woodland to Woodwork
On the occasion of UNECE 75th anniversary, the Joint UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section is launching a photo contest in partnership with the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). The contest is entirely on social media and is open to entrants of all skill levels. More…
Planet Prize
Frontiers Research Foundation has launched the Planet Prize to recognize and reward exceptional scientists. Three prizes worth a total of CHF 3 million (~USD $3.2m) will be awarded in 2023 to the world's most innovative sustainability scientists. More…