Dear Resource Data In the Tropics E-list:
The following announcement may be of interest.
Information on the first webinar in the series:
IUFRO Division 6 webinar series: *Forests, nature, and public space during
the global pandemic**;* online; 19 March 2021. Video recording of webinar: More information at:
Sheila Ward
Coordinator, IUFRO WP 4.02.01
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Konijnendijk, Cecil <cecil.konijnendijk(a)>
Date: Wed, May 12, 2021 at 5:26 AM
Subject: [IUFRO Div 6] 2nd IUFRO Division 6 webinar: Being a Forest
Scientist during a Global Pandemic
To: div6(a) <div6(a)>
Dear colleagues,
I am happy to announce the 2nd webinar in our Division 6 series, to be held
on June 25th, 14.00-15.00 hrs CEST (i.e. Amsterdam/Paris time). Focus of
this webinar is on the life and work of forest scientists during a global
pandemic. What have been the major challenges and how have people dealt
with them? Was it possible to balance work and family? What are the impacts
on careers and research? Has anything good come out of this?
In the attached flyer you can read more about e.g., the excellent
panellists from different parts of the world. You will also find a Zoom
registration link in the document.
Hopefully many of you will be able to make it!
Warm wishes,
Dr ir Cecil Konijnendijk van den Bosch, AFLI
*Program Director, Master of Urban Forestry Leadership -
*Professor, Urban Forestry (on leave)*
Department of Forest Resources Management, Faculty of Forestry, UBC
2045 - 2424 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4
E-mail: cecil.konijnendijk(a)
IUFRO Mailing List
To post a message to all list members, send email to: div6(a)
List info and Archive:
Dear Resource Data In the Tropics E-list:
Below is IUFRO Spotlight #88. Other Spotlights can be found at:
Sheila Ward
Coordinator, IUFRO WP 4.02.01
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: IUFRO Headquarters <office(a)>
Date: Mon, May 10, 2021 at 6:02 AM
Subject: IUFRO Spotlight #88 - Using a social science lens on the forest
To: Dear IUFRO Officeholder <mahoganyforthefuture(a)>
[image: IUFRO Spotlight]
IUFRO Spotlight #88 - Using a social science lens on the forest bioeconomy
*IUFRO Spotlight **is an initiative of the International Union of Forest
Research Organizations. Its aim is to introduce, in a timely fashion,
significant findings in forest research from IUFRO officeholders and member
organizations to a worldwide network of decision makers, policy makers and
researchers. IUFRO will encapsulate, and distribute in plain language,
brief, topical and policy-relevant highlights of those findings, along with
information on where/how to access the full documents. *
*IUFRO Spotlight** also aims to present activities such as sessions at
major IUFRO congresses or the work of IUFRO Task Forces with a focus on
emerging key issues that are of great interest to policy makers and groups
inside and outside the forest sector and contribute to international
processes and activities. The IUFRO Spotlight findings will be distributed
in a periodic series of emails as well as blog postings.*
Using a social science lens on the forest bioeconomy
PDF for download
[image: Graphic showing Cover design for Ambio special section by Alex
Cover design for Ambio special section by Alex Giurca
In many countries, forests are important sources of renewable biomass and
figure prominently in bioeconomy strategies.
Forests can be stretched beyond their traditional applications and used in
textiles, chemicals, and cross-laminated timber, among other things, and
can provide climate and ecological benefits, lead to rural employment
opportunities and add to regional growth.
But there are competing demands on forest resources and competing
perspectives on how forests should be used. These conflicting perspectives
and perceptions on the forest-based bioeconomy impact policy, land use and
forest management.
A recent special section in *Ambio: A Journal of Environment and Society*
pulls together studies that look at how, for example, perceptions of the
forest-based bioeconomy differ across countries and social groups.
It's important, say the special section editors, because it opens the door
to more inclusive, locally and socially relevant bioeconomy policies and
The special section is entitled *Social dimensions of a forest-based
bioeconomy: A summary and synthesis*.
"We wanted to better understand the different perspectives and perceptions
of the bioeconomy among forest sector stakeholders, future professionals
and urban citizens," said Dr. Lea Ranacher, an editor of the special
"The studies range from review and discourse approaches to consumer
studies. We hope to encourage further social scientific contributions that
allow a more critical view on the concept of bioeconomy," she said.
Dr. Ranacher teaches at the University of Natural Resources and Life
Sciences in Vienna and is also a senior researcher for market analysis and
innovation research at Wood K plus in Austria.
"People's perceptions of bioeconomy matter. The transition to a
forest-based bioeconomy depends on how people – from all walks of life –
perceive wood-based products and their value chains," she said. "In order
to better understand the transition to a bioeconomy we need to investigate
different perceptions and what influences those."
Dr. Ida Wallin, another of the editors added: "Social scientific research
on bioeconomy is still rare and we wanted to address this research gap."
"Studying the social dimensions of bioeconomy in Europe produces more
comprehensive and critical perspectives on the forest-based bioeconomy,"
said Dr. Wallin, a post-doctoral researcher at the Chair for Forest and
Environmental Policy at the University of Freiburg, Germany, and IUFRO
"We see (in the studies) that perceptions of bioeconomy in Europe differ
based on where one lives," she said. "As an example, forestry students in
Northern European countries had more awareness of bioeconomy than those in
Southern European countries."
She attributes that primarily to the fact that Northern European countries
have strongly promoted the bioeconomy concept for some time now, while
Southern European countries have begun to formulate their policy strategies
more recently.
Dr. Wallin also pointed out that studies in the special section show that
gender, age, pre-existing knowledge, ecological attitudes and consumption
style all factor into people's perception of bioeconomy and that further
research along these lines is needed.
Dr. Ranacher noted: "Consumers and other citizens who are 'non-experts' are
the end-users of the products and they elect the representatives who make
forest-based policy decisions. Current bioeconomy conceptualizations show
shortcomings regarding the sustainability and social inclusion aspects.
"The special section shows a diversity of social scientific studies and
demonstrates the value of this research field by uncovering dominant
discourses and perspectives."
[image: Photo showing PerForm group meeting in Uppsala, Sweden. Photo
provided by PerForm]
PerForm group meets in Uppsala, Sweden. Photo provided by PerForm
The special section is the result of research done within the
PerForm project (2018-2020). PerForm was conducted in collaboration with
IUFRO's 9.05.01 unit which focuses on bioeconomy policy research and is
coordinated by Dr. Helga Pülzl of Vienna's University of Natural Resources
and Life Sciences.
PerForm is an international collaboration of researchers funded by the
European Forest Institute and coordinated by Prof. Daniela Kleinschmit of
the University of Freiburg with collaborating researchers from Austria,
Slovakia, France, Italy, Sweden and Finland. Prof. Kleinschmit is also
IUFRO Vice-President responsible for Divisions.
The aim of PerForm was to better understand regional disparities of
national bioeconomy policies and explore the different perceptions of a
forest-based bioeconomy in Europe.
The *Ambio* special section contains the main scientific results from the
PerForm project as well as findings from other research groups on the topic
of the social dimensions of forest-based bioeconomy.
*Social dimensions of a forest-based bioeconomy: A summary and synthesis*
can be found at:
More information on the *PerForm Project* can be found at:
IUFRO 9.05.01 *Bioeconomy policy*:
The findings reported in *IUFRO Spotlight* are submitted by IUFRO
officeholders and member organizations. IUFRO is pleased to highlight and
circulate these findings to a broad audience but, in doing so, acts only as
a conduit. The quality and accuracy of the reports are the responsibility
of the member organization and the authors.
Suggestions for reports and findings that could be promoted through *IUFRO
Spotlight* are encouraged. To be considered, reports should be fresh, have
policy implications and be applicable to more than one country. If you
would like to have a publication highlighted by Spotlight, contact: Gerda
Wolfrum, wolfrum(at) <wolfrum(a)>.
The International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) is the
only worldwide organization devoted to forest research and related
sciences. Its members are research institutions, universities, and
individual scientists as well as decision-making authorities and other
stakeholders with a focus on forests and trees.
*IUFRO Spotlight #88, published in May 2021*
*by IUFRO Headquarters, Marxergasse 2, 1030 Vienna, Austria. Available for
download at: **
*Contact the editor at office(at) <office(a)> or visit <> You are receiving this
message, because you are an IUFRO member or officeholder or have registered
for one of our web-based email distribution lists. If you wish to
unsubscribe from IUFRO Spotlight publications, please send us a short note
by e-mail (burger(at) <burger(a)>).*
Dear Resource Data In the Tropics E-list:
The following announcement may be of interest. The recording for this and
previous seminars are available at
Sheila Ward
Coordinator, IUFRO WP 4.02.01
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Henrik Hartmann <hhart(a)>
Date: Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 12:19 PM
Subject: [IUFRO Div 4] International Tree Mortality Network seminar series:
Tree mortality modelling by Lisa Hülsmann May 6 (5 pm CEST)
To: <div4(a)>, <div7(a)>, <div8(a)>
Dear all,
The International Tree Mortality Network, an initiative of the IUFRO task
force on monitoring trends and patterns in global tree mortality, continues
the online seminar series join on *May 6, 5 pm CEST*, with:
*Dr. Lisa Hülsmann*
*Title: Tree mortality modelling – a tool for ecological inference and a
challenge for projecting forest dynamics*
*Abstract:* Tree death is ubiquitous in forests, even without climate
change, and has a lasting impact on forest structure, species composition,
biomass, and biodiversity. By relating tree mortality and other vital rates
to tree, forest, and environmental conditions, we can therefore identify
the mechanisms that govern the shape of forest ecosystems. In turn, these
empirical relationships can be useful for projecting future forest dynamics
and range limits of tree species. In the talk, I will discuss empirical
tree mortality models as a diagnostic opportunity and a modeling challenge
through two examples: the role of conspecific negative density dependence
(Janzen-Connell effects) for tree diversity and the tighter coupling of
dynamic vegetation models to forest data.
*Bio:* Dr. Lisa Hülsmann leads a junior research group at the University of
Regensburg (Germany) and combines empirical and simulation models to
investigate biotic interactions, ecosystem productivities, range limits and
their response to environmental change and human activities especially in
forest ecosystems. She studied forest ecology and hydrogeology at the
University of Göttingen and did her PhD on tree mortality modelling at ETH
*Please register for the Zoom Webinar: *
Note that the talks might be recorded.
*Recordings of previous seminars on YouTube:*
*Visit us at:*
Dr. (habil.) Henrik Hartmann
Group leader
Plant Allocation
MPI for Biogeochemistry
Hans Knöll Str. 10
07745 Jena, Germany
Contact: hhart(a)
Phone: +49.3641.576294
Mobile: +49.171.8188273
International Tree Mortality Network
IUFRO Task Force on monitoring of global tree mortality patterns and trends
IUFRO Mailing List
To post a message to all list members, send email to: div4(a)
List info and Archive:
Dear Resource Data In the Tropics E-list:
The following announcement may be of interest.
Sheila Ward
Coordinator, IUFRO WP 4.02.01
French <#m_-4980850872210530165_m_-5553199902323729062_fr> Spanish
<#m_-4980850872210530165_m_-5553199902323729062_es> Korean
*Check out the new WFC video trailer*
*We look forward to continuing our work together towards a dynamic and
inclusive XV World Forestry Congress!*
*Reopening the call for abstracts for papers, posters, and videos*
*In light of the new Congress dates, the submission platform for abstracts
for papers, posters, and videos will be reopened from 28 April to 30 June
2021. We look forward to receiving more inspiring work from all around the
world. For more information click **here*
*Submit a proposal for a side event*
*The submission platform for side event proposals will be reopened from 28
April to 30 July 2021. Side events are a platform to engage with Congress
participants, for knowledge sharing, capacity building, networking and
exploring actionable solutions for meeting the challenges in the forest
sector. We encourage all stakeholders to submit their proposals by the
deadline. Click* *here*
<> *for more
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English <#m_-4980850872210530165_m_-5553199902323729062_en> Spanish
<#m_-4980850872210530165_m_-5553199902323729062_es> Korean
*Consultez la nouvelle bande-annonce vidéo CFM*
*Nous nous réjouissons de poursuivre notre travail ensemble en vue d'un XVe
Congrès forestier mondial dynamique et inclusif!*
*Réouverture de l'appel à articles, posters et résumés vidéo*
*À la lumière des nouvelles dates du Congrès, la plateforme de soumission
des résumés d'articles, posters et vidéos sera réouverte du 28 avril au 30
juin 2021. Le Secrétariat du CFM accueille des exemples de travaux
stimulants qui ont lieu dans le monde entier. Pour plus d'informations,
cliquez **ici* <>*.*
*Soumettez une proposition pour un événement parallèle*
*–*[image: A picture containing mountain, outdoor, sky, nature Description
automatically generated]
*La plateforme de soumission des propositions d'événements parallèles sera
de nouveau ouverte du 28 avril au 30 juillet 2021. Les événements
parallèles constituent une plateforme de dialogue avec les participants du
Congrès, afin de partager des connaissances, de renforcer les capacités, de
créer des réseaux et d’étudier des solutions exploitables pour relever les
défis du secteur forestier. Nous encourageons toutes les parties prenantes
à soumettre leurs propositions avant la date limite indiquée. Cliquez **ici*
<>* pour plus
Vous recevez ces informations parce que vous êtes sur le fichier d’adresses
de la FAO ou parce que vous vous êtes inscrit au fichier d’adresses du XVe
Congrès forestier mondial.
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<#m_-4980850872210530165_m_-5553199902323729062_fr> Korean
*Descubra el nuevo video tráiler del Congreso para saber más *
*¡Esperamos continuar juntos nuestro trabajo para un XV Congreso Forestal
Mundial dinámico e inclusivo!*
*Reapertura de la convocatoria de resúmenes de trabajos, pósteres y videos*
*Teniendo en cuenta las nuevas fechas del Congreso, la plataforma de envío
de resúmenes de trabajos, pósteres y videos se abrirá nuevamente del 28 de
abril al 30 de junio de 2021. La Secretaría del Congreso Forestal Mundial
recibe con satisfacción más ejemplos de trabajos motivadores que se
realizan en todo el mundo. **Para obtener mayor información, pulse **aquí*
*Envíe una propuesta para un evento paralelo*
*–*[image: A picture containing mountain, outdoor, sky, nature Description
automatically generated]
*La plataforma de presentación de propuestas de eventos paralelos se
volverá a abrir del 28 de abril al 30 de julio de 2021. Los eventos
paralelos son una plataforma para interactuar con los participantes del
Congreso, compartir conocimientos y experiencias, desarrollar capacidades,
establecer redes y examinar soluciones viables para afrontar los desafíos
en el sector forestal. **Alentamos a todas las partes interesadas a
presentar sus propuestas en el plazo indicado. Pulse* *aquí*
<> *para mayor
información. *
Está recibiendo esta información porque usted está en una lista de correo
electrónico de la FAO o porque se ha inscrito en la lista de correo del XV
Congreso Forestal Mundial list.
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<#m_-4980850872210530165_m_-5553199902323729062_fr> Spanish
*제**15**차 세계산림총회* *영상을 확인해 보세요**.*
*산림분야 최대의 국제행사인 세계산림총회에 여러분을 초대합니다**. **제**15**차 세계산림총회가 전 지구적 산림 · 환경 문제
해결을 위한 전세계인들의 교류의 장이 될 수 있도록 많은 관심과 참여 바랍니다**.*
*논문**, **포스터**, **동영상 초록 접수 일정 연장*
*총회 일정 연기에 따라 총회에서 발표될 논문**, **포스터 및 동영상 초록에 대한 추가 접수가 진행될 예정입니다**. **접수는**
2021**년** 4**월** 28**일부터** 6**월** 30**일까지 약** 2**개월간 진행됩니다**. **총회 주제와 관련된
참신한 아이디어와 연구 성과가 담긴 내용이라면 모두 환영합니다**. **자세한 사항은 **여기*
<>*에서 확인해 주세요**.*
*부대행사 제안서 제출*
*제**15**차 세계산림총회 부대행사 제안서에 대한 추가 접수가 진행될 예정입니다**. **총회 부대행사는 다양한 참가자들이 모여
산림 · 환경 관련 의견을 나누고 경험을 공유하는 특별한 기회가 될 것입니다**. **접수는** 2021**년** 4**월** 28*
*일부터** 7**월** 30**일까지로**, **관계자 분들의 많은 지원 바랍니다**. **자세한 사항은 **여기*
<>*에서 확인해 주세요**. *
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Best regards
Brigitte Burger
Mag. Brigitte Burger - Web Management and Social Media; Network
International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)
IUFRO Headquarters - Secretariat
Marxergasse 2, 1030 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43-1-877 0151-14 * Fax: +43-1-877 0151-50
Website: <> * Email:
<> burger(a)