Dear colleagues,
I have the pleasure to announce our next online meeting on the 28th of May, 12-14 GMT/UTC, so early in the day for Americans (5-7 San Francisco, 7-9 Chicago, 9-11 Argentina), early afternoon for people in Europe (14-16 Paris CEST) and late  in the day for scientists in Asia (Tokyo 21-23) . Please recheck your local times against GMT.

We will use Zoom for the meeting, please use the following link to join :

This time we will have only 20-min talks, so you need to watch the talks before the meeting on YouTube, in the same channel as used before. Here is the link to subscribe to the IUFRO WG channel

During the meeting, the speakers will give a short introduction during the meeting (2-3 min), so that we can use the meeting time mainly for discussions (15min per talk).
Please use the possibility to comment on the videos in YouTube to pose your questions already ahead of the meeting.
Here is the link for the playlist “WG Meeting May 2024”  of this meeting :

We will have 2 hours for the meeting. The tentative schedule will be (using GMT times) :
12:00 Welcome, introduction to the meeting and its program
12:10 Ryosuke Ito (Researcher, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Japan) "Variations in
seedling growth strategies across a hybrid zone of Quercus mongolica var. crispula and Q. serrata"
12:25 Alex Reiss (PhD student, Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Edinburgh, UK) "Global patterns in the evolution of host-plant interactions of gall wasps (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Cynipini) on Fagaceae"
12:40 Takenori Shagawa (Masters student, Graduate School of Systems Life Sciences, Kyushu University, Japan ) "Synchronized spring fertilization: exploring the role of delayed fertilization and intermittent pollen tube growth in flowers blooming across season"
12:55 Luting Liu (PhD student, Yunnan University, China) "Research Progress on Phylogeny and
Population Structure of Quercus engleriana Complex"
13:10 Lin Lin (PhD student, Yunnan University, China) "Biogeography and niche evolution of the Quercus section Ilex"
13:35 Isabel Loza (PostDoc, The Morton Arboretum, US) "Prioritizing conservation areas for the genus Quercus (Fagaceae) in Mexico using species distribution models and a multicriteria analysis"
13:50-14:00 General Discussion

we hope to see you all there, virtually

best regards
Oliver Brendel, Chuck Cannon & Keiko Kitamura

PS : please find the programm attached as a pdf file
Oliver Brendel
Centre INRAE Grand Est - Nancy
F-54280 Champenoux France
TEL 0033 (0) 383 /394100 FAX /394022