Dear IUFRO Meliaceae E-list:


The following announcement may be of interest.



Sheila Ward

Deputy Coordinator

IUFRO WP 1.02.04

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Hojka Kraigher <>
Date: Thu, May 27, 2021 at 7:23 AM
Subject: [IUFRO Div 2] recording
To: <>

Dear all,


The link to the EUFORGEN  seminar on the LIFEGENMON Manual for forest genetic monitoring: LifeGEnMon seminar - YouTube (in english, from May 17th 2021)

Presented by Marko Bajc, and including discussion.

Aimed for implementation of FGM and national level, to support and being supported by the EUFORGEN community, as part of the IUFRO unit 2.04.12 FOREST GENETIC MONITORING


Have a nice day!




Prof. Dr. Hojka Kraigher, BSc. & MSc. Biol. & BSc. For. Eng.

Assoc. member of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts

Head of Department for Forest Physiology and Genetics &
the Research Programme P4-0107

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