IUFRO NEWS 1, 2021
Dear Reader of IUFRO News: We are happy to present to you issue 1 of IUFRO News 2021, volume 50! Encouraged by the extraordinary level of communication that continued among IUFRO units via email, social media and online conferencing throughout 2020, we are optimistic about 2021. We already see that many of you have started planning new activities, virtual, hybrid and physical meetings, joint publication projects and more. These activities, along with your continued communications with IUFRO Headquarters, keep our global network thriving despite the uncertainties of these times. For this, we are most grateful. IUFRO News Issue 1, 2021 is also available for download as a PDF or Word file at: https://www.iufro.org/publications/news/electronic-news/ Please share this newsletter widely with your colleagues and interested audiences and publish the link on your organization's website!
Best wishes,
Alexander Buck IUFRO Executive Director
To find out more about IUFRO, just visit https://www.iufro.org and follow our blog https://blog.iufro.org/, Twitter: @iufro, IUFRO Facebook entries and Instagram.
IUFRO News is widely distributed among IUFRO Members, officeholders and other interested groups. If you would like to publish in IUFRO News, contribute to the IUFRO website content or promote a publication via IUFRO Spotlight, do not hesitate to contact us at IUFRO Headquarters: office@iufro.org
Landscape Ecology, Finite Resources and the Coronavirus Pandemic
In this in-depth interview IUFRO's Landscape Ecology Working Party Coordinators talk about the purpose and importance of landscape ecology and especially its use in forestry. You will also learn about recent and upcoming webinars that address critical emerging issues. More…
Capacity Building for Forest Landscape Restoration Implementation in Malawi and Sri Lanka
IUFRO's Special Programme for Development of Capacities contributes to the global movement on forest landscape restoration (FLR) through training programs for forest scientists and practitioners in economically disadvantaged countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. This article illustrates the approach to FLR and the scope of the IUFRO-SPDC training program by showcasing current projects. More…
Forest Roads in Europe
The seminar series "Forest Roads: Regional Perspectives from around the World" is hosted by IUFRO Working Party 3.01.02 Road engineering and management, and provides regional perspectives on the design, construction and management of forest road systems. The intent is to provide the participants with regional views of what forest roads are and the major factors affecting them. More…
Wood Anatomy and Wood Science
The seventh annual meeting of the IAWA-China Group with the theme "Strengthening the Protection and Utilization of Forestry Resources, Broadening the Research Fields of Wood Anatomy and Wood Science" was held in person from 28-29 November 2020 at Zhejiang Agricultural and Forestry University (ZAFU), China. It involved IUFRO Research Groups 5.16.00 Wood identification and 5.06.00 Properties and utilization of plantation wood. More…
4th All-Russian Conference on Sustainable Forest Management
Read about the 4th all-Russian scientific conference with international participation entitled "Scientific Basis for Sustainable Forest Management" that took place in hybrid format (online and in Moscow) on 27-30 October 2020. The meeting was co-sponsored by IUFRO Working Party 8.01.06 Boreal and Alpine Forest Ecosystems. More…
Global Experts Collaborate Towards Policy Actions for Non- Wood Forest Products (NWFPs)
In early September 2020, the IUFRO Task Force Unlocking the Bioeconomy and Non-Timber Forest Products participated in a science-based review of policy recommendations of the INCREDIBLE project, an innovation network for cork, resins and edibles. There will be another online policy forum titled "Untapping the potential of non-wood forest products for Europe's green economy" on 2 and 3 February 2021. More…
News from IUFRO Members
Building a House with Eucalyptus Wood
The first webinar SIN DIA NI HORARIO (anytime) in Spanish entitled "Construcción de la casa de madera de Eucalipto en INTA Concordia" is presented by Martín Sánchez Acosta, Ciro Mastrandrea and Ana Cerúsico of INTA Concordia, Argentina. More…
Impacts of Urbanization on U.S. Watersheds
Urbanization has a detrimental effect on watersheds by decreasing vegetation and increasing impermeable surfaces, says new research by USDA Southern Research Station scientists. "Forests serve as powerful biological pumps and can return more than half of precipitation back to the air, and thus can greatly reduce urban runoff," says co-author Ge Sun, member of IUFRO's TF Forests and Water Interactions in a Changing Environment. More…
Innovations in Forest Industry and Engineering Design
Тhe 10th International Scientific and Technical Conference INNO 2020 organized by the Faculty of Forestry of the University of Forestry, Bulgaria, took place in Sofia on 1-3 October 2020. Conference participants had the opportunity to learn about the latest innovations in industry from papers delivered by representatives of various companies. More…
Congratulations: Khosro Sagheb-Talebi Receives Prestigious Award
On December 5, 2020 Prof Khosro Sagheb-Talebi was honored as National Top Researcher by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (MSRT) and the Ministry of Agriculture (MA) of Iran for his long-term research on Hyrcanian old-growth forests and the application of his results on close to nature management of Hyrcanian forests. More…
FORESTIST - Journal of İstanbul University - Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Forestry
Forestist is an international, scientific, open access periodical published in accordance with independent, unbiased, and double-blinded peer-review principles. The journal is the official publication of İstanbul University - Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Forestry and has been published since 1951. More…
News from IUFRO Headquarters
50th Volume of IUFRO News!
This year we are starting IUFRO News Volume 50! Issue 1 of IUFRO News Volume 1 was published in September 1972 just prior to the IUFRO Secretariat's move to its permanent location in Vienna, Austria. It started with a message from the then IUFRO President Ivar Samset from Norway. More…
Helpful Documents for Meeting Organizers
Do you want to organize IUFRO meetings? Find information and helpful documents in your Unit's toolbox and here: https://www.iufro.org/media/general-background/. For example, you might find the "Quick guide on steps to take before, during and after an event" very useful.
IUFRO HQ Citation Style
In order to homogenize the different citation styles used by authors publishing with the Headquarters of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO HQ), at HQ we have developed a simple and harmonized citation style that will be available from the databases of the most commonly used reference management software. More…
Obituary: Dusan MLINŠEK
On 15 December 2020 IUFRO Honorary Member and former President Professor Dr Dusan Mlinšek passed away in his home in Ljubljana, Slovenia, at the age of 95. IUFRO and the forest community have lost an extraordinary teacher, scientist, colleague and friend, His outstanding contributions to silviculture are an important legacy to future generations of foresters. More…
Obituary: Fujio KOBAYASHI
We are sad to inform you that Dr Fujio Kobayashi passed away on December 6, 2020 at the age of 88. He received the IUFRO Distinguished Service Award in 2000 for his important contributions to promoting and enhancing IUFRO's presence in the Asia-Pacific region. More…
IUFRO Spotlight #86 - Analyzing the Complicated Forest-Water Relationship
Forests play an integral role in the water cycle by enhancing the world's supply of clean water. Much of the globe's freshwater is provided through forested catchments. The IUFRO Task Force on Forests and Water Interactions in a Changing Environment examines interactions and feedbacks of forests and water in a broad context. More…
Call for Submissions!
This is an invitation to submit papers to a special issue of 'Forests' by 25 August 2021. Contributions should ideally provide novel models for the implementation of genomics and remote sensing tools to accelerate and assist forest genetic adaptation to secure production and biodiversity. More…
China-Europe Forest Bioeconomy: Assessment and Outlook
A new study from the European Forest Institute provides the first systematic assessment of the potential challenges and possibilities for the future and policy implications for Europe-China forest-based bioeconomy development. More…
FAO Policy Brief on COVID-19 Impacts to Wood Value Chains
This policy brief summarizes findings from a global survey on the impacts of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak on wood value chains and recovery measures from the forest sector. The survey received responses from 237 stakeholders registered in the Sustainable Wood for a Sustainable World (SW4SW) network. More…
One World, One Health: Recommendations for Harnessing the Power of Landscapes
Recognizing the potential of the landscape approach to contribute towards biodiversity targets, the Global Landscapes Forum and the Youth in Landscapes Initiative (YIL) facilitated the co-creation of the GLF Biodiversity Policy Recommendations. This report brings together perspectives from the GLF community as represented in the GLF Biodiversity Digital Conference sessions and inputs from partner and youth organizations. More…
This issue of IUFRO News offers a variety of announcements including information on positions, Master's programs, upcoming IUFRO and other meetings and webinars, calls for participation in collaborative activities and more…