The World's Forests: Multiple Crises Call for Resolute Action
XXVI IUFRO World Congress 2024
Stockholm, Sweden; 23-29 June 2024
Media Release
International Union of Forest Research Organizations
- Joint efforts and far-sighted decisions are crucial to make the world's forests more resilient and ensure a sustainable future, the Stockholm Congress Statement stresses.
- International and interdisciplinary cooperation, fact-based and equitable decision-making, as well as better education and training are among the key factors for ensuring healthy forests and trees and their vital goods and services.
- Forest-related science and research together with traditional knowledge can form a solid knowledge base for human activities and decisions to bring about positive change.
- Incoming IUFRO President Daniela Kleinschmit emphasizes the importance of enhancing inclusivity especially regarding young and underrepresented researchers; broadening perspectives on forest-related challenges and strengthening global collaboration.
- The 27th IUFRO World Congress will take place in 2029 in Nairobi, Kenya, and thus, for the first time in the history of IUFRO on the African continent.
Stockholm, 28 June 2024: The 26th World Congress of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations IUFRO brought together 4,200 participants from over 100 countries in Stockholm from 23 to 29 June 2024. Every five years, the Congress provides a global forum for the exchange of knowledge, perspectives and visions around technical and societal issues of forest-related research, policymaking and management.
The Congress under the title of "Forests and Society towards 2050" focused on five major themes: forest resilience, forest-based bioeconomy, biodiversity and ecosystem services, forests for sustainable societies, as well as innovation and education.
The Stockholm Congress Statement calls upon everyone to assume responsibility
Climate change, biodiversity loss, environmental pollution and mounting social injustice are among the most severe crises the world is facing today. Tackling these interlinked crises requires resolute and equitable actions and everyone must take responsibility in their own sphere of influence.
"An equitable, healthy and prosperous future for humanity will depend on diverse, productive and resilient forests and associated ecosystems, including sustainable agricultural systems," says IUFRO President Dr. John Parrotta, US Forest Service. "To realize such a future, immediate and coordinated action is required to effectively deal with the drivers and impacts of climate change, biodiversity loss, deforestation, land degradation, and pollution." This is a core message of the Stockholm Congress Statement, the outcome document of the Congress.
"The forest science community can be relied upon to provide the solid knowledge base needed by decision-makers at all levels - from individual citizens to governments - to evaluate the benefits, risks and trade-offs related to forest- and other land-based commodity production options, consumption choices and policies across sectors," Dr. Parrotta emphasizes.
Dr. Elena Paoletti of CNR IRET, Italy, and Chair of the Congress Scientific Committee, sums up the call for action, "The Congress urges decisionmakers, forest managers and business experts to make best use of the knowledge and recommendations of the global science community to: Strengthen forest resilience and climate adaptation; Maintain and enhance the social values of forests for sustainable societies; Expand the role of forests and forest products in a responsible circular bioeconomy; and Transform forest-related sciences for the future. Action at all levels in line with these messages can contribute to maintaining a stable planet that continues to support life and human well-being.
Find the Stockholm Congress Statement (EN/DE/FR/SP) at:
Photo Philipp Ditfurth |
Handing over of IUFRO Presidency to Daniela Kleinschmit
At the end of the XXVI IUFRO World Congress on 29 June 2024, IUFRO will have a new president. Dr. Daniela Kleinschmit, Professor of Forest and Environmental Policy at Albert-Ludwig-University of Freiburg, Germany, and current IUFRO Vice President, will take office for the next five years. She succeeds Dr. John Parrotta from the US Forest Service, who has been IUFRO President since 2019.
She has been in academic leadership positions since 2016, first as Vice Dean and later as Dean of the Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources at the University of Freiburg. In 2021, she was elected Vice President of the University responsible for internationalization and sustainability. Her areas of expertise are forest policy, bioeconomy, policy integration, participation and political communication. She supports various science-policy interactions and is a member of the Bioeconomy Council of Baden-Württemberg and the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry. Daniela Kleinschmit will be the first woman to head IUFRO.
"Strengthening global interconnectedness of excellent forest sciences and at the same time acknowledging local knowledge as well as different perspectives and priorities are among the main aims of IUFRO for the next five years," says Daniela Kleinschmit. "To be a vibrant global network offering forest-knowledge-based solutions in times of high global complexities it is necessary to further broaden perspectives from forest-centered to forest-related challenges. Motivating researchers in early phases of their academic careers and fostering the inclusion of researchers that have so far been underrepresented in IUFRO are prerequisite for keeping IUFRO fit for the future," she underlines.
27th IUFRO World Congress in 2029 in Nairobi, Kenya
The 27th IUFRO World Congress 2029 will bring the event to the African continent for the first time and will take place in Nairobi, Kenya. The theme of the congress is "Advancing Global Partnerships in Forestry Research and Development". The host organization is the Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI).
Dr. Jane Njuguna, Acting Director of Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI), extends a cordial invitation at the closing of the Stockholm Congress, "Welcome to Kenya! As we prepare to host the 27th IUFRO World Congress in 2029, we celebrate a triumph not only for Kenya but for Africa. Our bid was a collaborative effort involving the Kenya Government, African Union Commission, KEFRI, Kenya Forest Service, CIFOR-ICRAF, African Forest Forum, FORNESSA, Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa Economic Block (CCARDESA), Lake Victoria Basin Commission and Forestry Research Institutes in Ethiopia, Uganda and Tanzania, among many others, thus highlighting our commitment to global forestry partnerships."
One year before the end of the 2030 Agenda and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the 27th IUFRO World Congress will provide an opportunity to take stock of the role of forests in achieving the global environmental, social and economic agenda. In particular, the Congress will demonstrate the importance of African forests, forestry and forest science in attaining these goals.
The International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) is a non-profit and non-governmental worldwide network of 15,000 forest scientists across 120 countries, who work together to enhance the understanding of the ecological, economic and social aspects of forests and trees. Founded in 1892 IUFRO is headquartered in Vienna, Austria.
About IUFRO World Congresses
IUFRO World Congresses are interdisciplinary and integrative in scientific content. They are a forum for scientists and interested parties to discuss technical and societal issues of forest-related research, policymaking and management to support science-based decision-making. Congresses are usually held every five years. The Congress in plenary session is also the general assembly of the members of the Union.
Media Contact: Gerda Wolfrum, IUFRO, +43-1-8770151-17, |
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