Dear IUFRO Meliaceae e-list:
The Meliaceae Group Coordination Team is updating the Working Party webpages at
There are a couple of ways you can help us update the webpages.
1. We want to create a list of expertise with the Meliaceae. If you would like to be listed, would you please send the following information?
a – your title, and first and last names
b – your institution (independent consultant or researcher is also fine)
c – your country
d – your email address
e – description of your expertise in 5-20 words (PLEASE NO MORE THAN 20 or we will need to edit it down! And time is limited to do this sort of thing!)
2. We are building a list of key references for the Meliaceae. If you know of good resources, can you please send the complete citation and the electronic link to the resource? Government and organization publications are fine to include.
Sheila Ward
Deputy Coordinator
IUFRO WP 1.02.04