IUFRO NEWS 10, 2016
Dear IUFRO Officeholder:
Due to a technical error, an incorrect nationality was mentioned in connection with Professor Zhang Shougong, President of the Chinese Academy of Forestry.
We are deeply sorry for this error and would herewith like to provide you with the corrected version of our newsletter.
Dear IUFRO Officeholder:
We are happy to present to you issue 10 of IUFRO News 2016, volume 45. The newsletter is also available for download as a PDF or Word file at: http://www.iufro.org/publications/news/electronic-news/.
You are welcome to pass on this newsletter to your colleagues!
To find out more about IUFRO, just visit www.iufro.org and follow our blog http://blog.iufro.org/, Twitter: @iufro and IUFRO Facebook entries.
Hope to see many of you at the upcoming IUFRO Regional Congress for Asia and Oceania in Beijing, China, on 24-27 October: http://www.iufro-ao2016.org/en/. We will keep you informed via our social media and website!
Enjoy the read!
Alexander Buck IUFRO Executive Director
IUFRO News is widely distributed among IUFRO Members, officeholders and other interested groups. If you would like to publish in IUFRO News, contribute to the IUFRO website content or promote a publication via IUFRO Spotlight, do not hesitate to contact us at IUFRO Headquarters: office(at)iufro.org

Forest Communications across Continents

As land managers and citizens around the world meet often daunting challenges in managing forests, professional communications plays an increasingly important role in science and land management organizations. The goal of this joint workshop of IUFRO and UNECE-FAO FCN communicators in Portland, OR, USA, was to help participants address major challenges and opportunities for communications about forests. More…

Ecosystem Services Related to Forests, Water and Soil at ECOSUMMIT 2016

EcoSummit is an international conference organized every 4 years on the ecology of terrestrial ecosystems and all habitats that are integrated within those ecosystems, including river networks, wetlands and coastlines. This year's edition took place in Montpellier, France. Under the conference sub-theme "Terrestrial Ecosystems", the IUFRO Task Force "Forests, Soil and Water Interactions" organized a session. More…

Connecting Knowledge and Minds

The IUFRO Division 3 Doctoral Students Conference hosted by Oregon State University was held in Corvallis, OR, USA, for the first time in the Division history. The entire conference was student oriented, where attendees had ample opportunity to present their doctoral research work and receive feedback from peers. Also listen to the new Divison 3 podcast episode about the conference. More…

Engagement of Stakeholders at the Local Level is Critical for Success

In a world of ever diminishing resources, the need for innovative and creative approaches to research and educational program delivery is of utmost importance. The IUFRO Extension & Knowledge Exchange Working Party conference on 25-30 September 30, 2016, in Kenora, Ontario, Canada focused on ways to engage stakeholders and as a means for filling this need. More…

Sharing Knowledge on Forest Landscape Restoration Implementation: IUFRO-SPDC Workshops in Rwanda and El Salvador

IUFRO-SPDC Workshops in Rwanda and El Salvador have provided opportunities for knowledge-sharing on Forest Landscape Restoration Implementation. More..

Global Assessment in Progress to Shed Light on Forest Crime: Rapid Response to Illegal Timber Trade – Scientists Prepare Synthesis Report

Illegal trade in wildlife has been climbing up the political agenda rapidly over the last few years. Lead authors and some of the contributing authors met in in Vienna, Austria, in September to discuss the progress of the report that will be launched at the CBD CoP13 in Cancún, Mexico in December 2016. More…

Forest is our life, our hope, and our future!

Interview with Professor Don Koo Lee, Republic of Korea, keynote speaker at the IUFRO Asia-Oceania Regional Congress in Beijing, China, 24-27 October 2016. More…

Forests for Sustainable Development: The Role of Research

Interview with Professor Zhang Shougong, China, keynote speaker at the IUFRO Asia-Oceania Regional Congress in Beijing, China, 24-27 October 2016. More…

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IUFRO News 10, 2016, published in mid-October 2016 by IUFRO Headquarters, Vienna, Austria. Available for download at: http://www.iufro.org/publications/news/electronic-news/ Contact the editor at office(at)iufro.org or visit www.iufro.org If you do not wish to receive IUFRO News, please send us a short note by e-mail (office(at)iufro.org). Imprint: www.iufro.org/legal/
