Dear IUFRO Meliaceae Working Party:


Below is Issue 1 of IUFRO News 2024, volume 53. Past editions of the newsletter can be found at:



Sheila Ward

Assoc. Coordinator

IUFRO WP 1.02.04 - Sustainable management and genetic resources in Meliaceae

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Date: Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 5:38 PM
Subject: [IUFRO Div 6] IUFRO News 1, 2024
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Issue 1, 2024


IUFRO News 1, 2024

Dear Reader of IUFRO News:

We are happy to present to you Issue 1 of IUFRO News 2024, volume 53!

The newsletter is also available for download as a PDF or Word file at:

Please share this newsletter widely with your colleagues and interested audiences and publish the link on your organization's website!

Please also share with us any changes of contact person(s) and email address(es) of your organization(s)!

If you wish to contribute to the next issue of IUFRO News, please submit your proposed content by 4 March 2024 to and refer to "IUFRO News 2/3 of 2024".

Enjoy the read,

Alexander Buck
IUFRO Executive Director


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Forest Education – Merging Theory and Practice with the Help of Digital Tools

Photo showing Field teaching observation in Hyytiälä. Photo by Mika Rekola.

How can education best combine theory and practice? And how can digital tools enhance forest education? These were the two main questions addressed at the IUFRO Symposium on Forest Education in Finland. Participants discussed gaps in forest education at university and college level.  More




Forest Risk and Insurance

Photo showing thermometer. Photo by Gerd Altmann on Pixabay.

Global change is increasing and diversifying the risks that threaten European forests. In the case of planted forests, where an investor is betting on the future, the role of insurance in protecting against these risks is essential. Insurance experts were invited to share their views in a "Let's Talk About Planted Forests" webinar.  More



Novel and Classical Strategies to Manage Forest Health in Plantations

Photo showing Angus Carnegie (Deputy Coordinator IUFRO Working Party 7.02.13), Irene Barnes (Coordinator IUFRO Working Party 1.02.03), Murilo Ribeiro (Local Organizer of the meeting) introducing IUFRO at the opening ceremony of the meeting. Photo provided by Stuart Fraser.

Mato Grosso do Sul has the second largest area of forest plantation in Brazil and faces challenges from a range of pests and diseases. It was therefore an excellent location to convene a conference to present research and discuss operational management of pests and diseases across the Southern Hemisphere.  More



Latest News from IUFRO's Science-Policy Programme (SciPol)

Finalizing New Study on International Forest Governance

Photo showing Study authors and SciPol team present at the Vienna meeting. Photo by Moritz Wildburger.

IUFRO's Science-Policy Programme is undertaking a follow-up study on international forest governance based on its 2010 publication "Embracing Complexity: Meeting the Challenges of International Forest Governance". The study shall be launched in early May 2024 during UNFF19.  More



Next Global Forest Expert Panel to Focus on Forests for Social and Economic Resilience

Photo showing tree in wind. Photo by Khamkeo Vilaysing on Unsplash

IUFRO's Science-Policy Programme has initiated work on a new Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) assessment. GFEP is an initiative of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) coordinated by IUFRO. In December 2023, the CPF approved "Forests for Social and Economic Resilience" as the topic for the new assessment.  More



Update from IUFRO's Special Programme for Development of Capacities (SPDC)

Capacity Building for Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) Implementation in Sri Lanka

Photo showing tree seedlings. Photo by the Sri Lanka Forest Department.

The Sri Lanka Forest Department in partnership with the Ecosystem Conservation and Management Project (ESCAMP), IUCN Sri Lanka and IUFRO implemented a project (Sept 2019-Aug 2023) to develop capacities on forest landscape restoration (FLR) in Sri Lanka. The project's aim was to scale up FLR through developing a critical mass of well-trained practitioners.  More



Communities of El Triunfo, Tahuexco and Chuirirín in Guatemala Commit to Mangrove restoration

Photo showing Screenshot from GLFx video

The Suchitepéquez mangrove roundtable is a space where different actors take part in forest landscape restoration efforts. The Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) South Coast Guatemala chapter together with IUFRO support communication of these activities.  More



Continued IUFRO Support to Restoration Stewards Program

The Youth in Landscapes Initiative (YIL) and the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) launched the Restoration Stewards in 2020. IUFRO is a strong partner in this initiative through its Special Programme for Development of Capacities (SPDC) and has nominated Adejoke Olukemi Akinyele as a mentor.  More




Welcoming New IUFRO Headquarters Team Members

Veronika Juch joined IUFRO HQ in December as coordinator for the Secretariat of the European Wood Policy Platform (woodPoP). Veronika will also work as new project manager for IUFRO's Directors' Forum.  More





Maja Radosavljevic joined the IUFRO HQ team on January 15, 2024. In her role as a Partnership Manager in the IUFRO-Mondi Partnership and the associated TEAMING UP 4 FORESTS platform, she will be responsible for the management and implementation of partnership activities.  More




Send Nominations for CPF's Wangari Maathai Award until 10 February!

The Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) invites nominations for the 7th Wangari Maathai Forest Champions Award! The Wangari Maathai Forest Champions Award is an honor granted to individuals who have made extraordinary efforts to improve the world's forests and the lives of people who depend on them.  More




International Science Council Invites Science-Policy Experts

Photo showing large meeting hall with conference participants. Photo by 12019 on Pixabay

The ISC has issued a Call for Expressions of Interest in ISC Global Science-Policy Work with a 29 February deadline. As a member of the International Science Council, IUFRO has been invited to contribute to critical global science-policy work in the multilateral space and help identify experts.  More



Congratulations: FABI Turned 25!

Photo showing 25-year celebration at FABI. Picture by University of Pretoria

The Forestry and Agriculture Biotechnology Institute (FABI) at the University of Pretoria (UP), South Africa, a member organization of IUFRO, recently turned 25! The anniversary was celebrated at the University's Future Africa Institute and attended by research collaborators, industry partners, government representatives and the UP community.  More



2023 Marcus Wallenberg Award Winners

The 2023 Marcus Wallenberg Prize was awarded to Drs Darius M. Adams, Joseph Buongiorno and Richard Haynes for their development of the original and groundbreaking forest economic models TAMM and PAPYRUS and their extension to the global forest products model GFPM.  More



Publications and Podcasts

New Study on Future Wood Supply in Europe to be Launched in mid-March!

Photo showing a pile of wood logs. Photo IUFRO

The future supply of wood is highly uncertain and likely to be characterized by disruptions, changes, and unpredictable developments. Under the framework of TEAMING UP 4 FORESTS, a curated expert group has prepared an overview of scientific findings and a list of response options to current and future challenges.  More



How Sustainable are U.S. Forests?

Photo showing U.S. forests in the temperate climate zone. Photo by Geoff Roberts

"The National Report on Sustainable Forests assesses the conditions and trends that reflect how we - as a society - define forest sustainability", says Kathleen McGinley, research social scientist and 2020 Report lead author, International Institute of Tropical Forestry.  More



ISC Podcast Combines Science and Science Fiction

Photo showing a person and a robot in a landscape, looking at a megacity. dieselVUK on Pixabay

The podcast series from the Centre for Science Futures of the International Science Council unravels the visionary minds of science fiction authors to gain insights into how science might shape our future.  More




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IUFRO News Issue 1, 2024, published in January 2024
by IUFRO Headquarters, Marxergasse 2, 1030 Vienna, Austria.

Available for download at:
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