Dear Sirs – Mrs.
2010 Symposium - "Is there future for beech - Changes, Impacts and
Answers” is approaching!
We are most enthusiastic to welcome all of you in Varaždin, Croatia
and Zala County, Hungary from October 27th - 29th 2010.
Same as we are most proud to announce more than forty authors from
all around the world who decided to present their papers on FAGUS 2010
Symposium in Varaždin, either in oral or in poster form!
Detailed list of the FAGUS 2010 papers and posters is available at:
Once again we’re thanking to all of you who announced your
participation, same as to all the authors who submitted their papers for
reviewing process. They are in the final phase of reviewing and soon shall be
presented to wider audience in Varaždin,
Until the the soon release of the 3rd
Official FAGUS 2010 Announcement and FAGUS 2010
Detailed programme – watch closely our web-site where you’ll find all
additional info on the Symposium:
On behalf of the FAGUS 2010 Organization Committee and Seletković,
Please receive our warmest autumn regards,and looking forward to meet
you soon in Varaždin!
Stručni suradnik /Associate for International
Cvjetno naselje 41, HR-10450 Jastrebarsko, Croatia
Tel: +385.1.6273.008, Fax: +385.1.6273.035, Mob: +385.99.2281.681,
Molimo vodite brigu o očuvanju okoliša prije ispisa /Please consider
the environment before printing this e-mail
Looking forward to meet you at the upcoming FAGUS 2010 Symposium: