World Biodiversity Congress (WBC), November 24-27, 2014, Colombo, Sri Lanka.


INVITATION  from  the President WBC-2014


Integrating Bio-conservation with Natural Heritage



Dear Sir/ Madam,

                                   There is growing recognition of the fact that biological resources and diversity are vital to humankind’s economic and social development. It is accepted that Biological diversity is a global asset of tremendous value, and it needs to be preserved for future generations. At the same time, the threat to species and ecosystems has never been greater than it is today and, it is vital that biodiversity conservation is given due recognition in order to ensure that the ongoing development embodies a strong sense of sustainability. Sri Lanka is an island, 65,610 km2 in area situated close to the Southeast corner of the peninsula of India. Despite its relatively small size, Sri Lanka possesses a high level of biodiversity. Sri Lanka is one of the 34 biodiversity hotspots identified in the world and has the highest biodiversity per unit area of land amongst Asian countries. 

                                     Sri Lanka welcomes the Scientific Community to WBC-2014 at Colombo, Sri Lanka. The scheduled congress organized by  Global Scientific Research Foundation, Bangalore, India in association with Field Ornithology Group of Sri Lanka and Department of Biological Sciences, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, will provide a  platform for Scientists and conservation leaders. WBC-2014 also provides a platform for environmental consultants , environmental advocates, corporate and public policy-makers across the world for knowledge exchange and network development. This conference will help traditional communities and conservation scientists to collaboratively generate knowledge about nature and its conservation. The conference emphasizes on conservation of Biodiversity and natural heritage and will highlight the crucial role of  biodiversity in our global society and  relate biodiversity to the global millennium goals in order to achieve sustainable development

                                         Indeed it is our honour as Organizers of WBC-2014, to request your esteemed organization to support the WBC to be held in Colombo, Sri Lanka during 24th-28th November 2014. Collaborators  of the World Biodiversity Congress can help us to spread the information, can contribute by sending congress emails to your membership, including us in your newsletter, adding our conference to your calendar of events, participating in the conference program, providing an opportunity by allowing the organizers to include an advertisement in your publication and so forth.  The collaborating organizations / institutions shall be recognized as such on the conference website and in conference materials. We greatly acknowledge the sponsorship of the organizations for the success of the biodiversity congress.

                                 We are sure your esteemed organization would be one of the collaborators of the World Biodiversity Congress. If you consider our request, kindly send your logo and consent to use the same in the congress website and in congress materials. We welcome your suggestions for the successful organization of the congress and looking forward to your support.

For preliminary information on the scheduled Congress please visit:

                            We also welcome you and invite your esteem self as a Delegate to this Congress and welcome you to Colombo, Sri Lanka to enjoy the wonderful Biodiversity and hospitality of Sri Lanka..


With warm regards,

Dr. Anita M.

President, World Biodiversity Congress 2014, Sri Lanka