Extension & Knowledge Exchange Working Party 9.03.01
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Greetings to all EKE working party members! It has been almost 3 weeks since the
conclusion of the working party meeting in Galway, Ireland. Ireland and the current
efforts to rebuild its forest industry and encourage traditional farmers to include
planting and tending trees as part of their farming activities, provided the perfect
backdrop for exploring issues of the human dimensions of changing landscapes. Extension
and knowledge exchange does not exist only in the world of natural resource management:
extension has a responsibility to help individuals and communities adapt to changing
environmental conditions. This is the challenge facing Ireland and it provided the
foundation for this conference.
We were hosted by the Forestry Development Department, Teagasc, Agriculture and Food
Development Authority of Ireland. Dr. Nuala Ni Fhlatharta, head of the Department
provided for the on-site program arrangements. The conference was kicked-off at an evening
social, complete with live traditional Irish music and food, and of course, Guinness! The
conference delegates were officially welcomed by the mayor of the City of Galway,
Councillor Frank Fahy, and Dr. Niall Farrelly, President of the Society of Irish
The conference focus was the evolution of extension and knowledge exchange within the
context of a rapidly changing world. Changes in environmental conditions brought about by
climate change, governmental policies, etc., sparked lively discussions regarding the role
of extension and knowledge exchange in addressing these and other issues. Presentation
topics included, knowledge transfer challenges for new forest owners in Ireland, forest
biomass and bioenergy programs for landowners and communities, engaging citizens in
climate science, building capacity for forest advisors and extensionists through
information networks, developing peer-to-peer learning models, facilitating collaborative
forest management, and public issues education and science policy.
The agenda included a 1-day field tour, led by Teagasc Forestry Advisors, Noel Kennedy and
Michael Somers. Participants were introduced to forest owner John O’Connell, who operates
a mushroom growing business in his forest, and John Torpey, Ireland’s top producer of
Hurley sticks.
The next meeting of the Extension & Knowledge Exchange Working Party will be held in
Ontario, Canada during September 2016. Exact dates and locations will be announced soon.
For the 2016 meeting we are tentatively planning on producing a published proceedings, so
stay tuned for upcoming submission requests.
Best to you all!
EKE WP Coordinator:
Janean Creighton (mailto:janean.creighton@oregonstate.edu) (United States)
John Pineau (mailto:John.Pineau@fpinnovations.c) (Canada)
Ales Poljanec
Sally Upfold
(South Africa)
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