**Apologies for cross-postings**
SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS (the date of abstract submission extended to March 31)
World Conference on Agricultural Information and IT
'advancing information and communication management, knowledge creation and sharing,
and the application of information technologies in agriculture'
Tokyo, Japan, 24-27 August 2008
Conference Site:
12th World Congress of the International Association of Agricultural Information
6th Asian Conference of IT in Agriculture
6th World Congress on Computers in Agriculture
Hosted by the Japanese Society of Agricultural Informatics, the Japanese Association of
Agricultural Information Specialists, and the Tokyo University of Agriculture
- with the e-agriculture community of expertise -
According to the World Bank, agricultural development depends to a great extent on how
successfully knowledge is generated and applied. Noting the exponential growth in
information and communication technologies, especially the Internet, it suggests that
knowing how to take advantage of new knowledge has become just as urgent as knowing how to
generate and diffuse new knowledge.
This Conference brings together researchers, communicators, knowledge managers, IT experts
and information specialists to share and discuss the application and uses of information,
knowledge and IT in agriculture. These include new applications of well established and
understood technologies, innovative and entrepreneurial applications of emerging
technologies, as well as issues related to policy and knowledge dissemination.
It provides a precious chance for participants from all over the world to meet and share
knowledge on all aspects of ag-bioscience information and agro-informatics development.
Participants will be from diverse backgrounds, including practitioners, researchers,
educators and policy makers from various disciplines such as computer science, information
technology, library and information science, archives, knowledge management, etc.
We expect the scope of the discussions to cover information technologies, information
knowledge and communication activities related to the applied life sciences, including:
agriculture, food from production to marketing, natural resources, fish and wildlife,
environment, extension, communication, and education.
Topics of the conference include but are not limited to: Information technologies,
Information, knowledge and communication activities related to the applied life sciences,
including: agriculture, food from production to marketing, natural resources, fish and
wildlife, environment, extension, communication, and education.
Typical key words to cover:
ICT policies for rural development, ICT adoption in rural community, e-government,
agricultural resources data banks and databases, agricultural information system,
e-agribusiness, traceability and virtual agri-markets, GAP, extension service, digital
library, education, training, pedagogical issues and e-learning, intellectual property,
security and privacy , social, institutional, and policy issues, decision support system,
remote sensing and GIS precision farming, sensors, grid, web and communication systems,
modeling, pattern recognition, information retrieval, filtering and extraction,
data/text/Web mining, social media/Web 2.0 technologies, metadata, standards and
cataloging, taxonomy, ontology and the semantic Web, digital preservation, knowledge
management, open source tools and frameworks for agricultural information, mobile
services, human-computer interaction
Important Dates:
Oral and Poster Papers
Abstract submission: March 31, 2008 (Extended)
Notification of paper acceptance: April 30, 2008
Full paper submission: May 31, 2008
Early bird registration: By May 10, 2008
Please Check the Conference Site:
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