IUFRO 9.01.03
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XXV IUFRO World Congress
Call for abstracts

IUFRO is now accepting abstracts for the XXV World Congress in Curitiba Brazil, Sept. 25 to Oct. 5, 2019.

Please consider submitting an abstract for the World Congress. EKE is collaborating with other IUFRO education focused working parties on session F6b: Effective educational strategies for the next generation of forest professionals.  This session will highlight findings on research aiming to understand those challenges and also research that addresses innovative strategies that allow forestry students and professors and providers of non-formal education to keep abreast with the time, such online classes, field practices, case studies among others. However, you are free to submit to any technical session you wish, so be sure and look through all of those listed in the program.  For more information about the Congress and instructions on submitting your abstract please click on the conference website link below.

Deadline for submission is December 31, 2018.

Congress Website
Abstract submission


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