Extension Knowledge Exchange -Registration open
by Janean Creighton
IUFRO Working Party 9.01.03
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Extension & Knowledge Exchange
Working Party News
Extension and Knowledge Exchange
IUFRO Working Party 9.01.03
Serving as a forum for information exchange among forestry Extensionists worldwide
Registration is now open!
Connecting Research to Practice: The Evolving World of Extension and Knowledge Exchange
Extension & Knowledge Exchange
Working Party unit 9.01.03
September 27 - October 1, 2015
Galway, Ireland
The registration site is up and open! Check it out for information on the program, meeting venue, and the location! REGISTER (http://frames.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=07a960258f4a03a669ebcc206&i…)
We are still accepting abstracts for the extension and knowledge exchange working party meeting in Galway Ireland! Abstracts will be accepted through 9 April 2015.
Abstracts should be no more than 200 words, and should include the title, all authors and affiliations, and indicate whether they are to be considered for either an oral or poster presentation, or both. Please include the name and email for the primary contact and title your email: "LASTNAME"_IUFRO_EKE
Please email your abstract to j (mailto:janean.creighton@oregonstate.edu) anean.creighton(a)oregonstate.edu (mailto:janean.creighton@oregonstate.edu)
Oral presentation slots are limited to 30. We can accommodate 20 posters. Those not accepted for an oral presentation will we accepted for a poster presentation.
EKE WP Coordinator:
Janean Creighton (mailto:janean.creighton@oregonstate.edu) (United States)
John Pineau (Canada)
Ales Poljanec (Slovenia)
Sally Upfold (South Africa)
Copyright © 2015 Oregon State University, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you subscribed to the IUFRO Extension and Knowledge Exchange Working Party list serve
Our mailing address is:
Oregon State University
321 Richardson Hall
Corvallis, Or 97331
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9 years, 11 months
Extension Knowledge Exchange -Call for Abstracts
by Janean Creighton
IUFRO Working Party 9.01.03
View this email in your browser (http://us4.campaign-archive2.com/?u=07a960258f4a03a669ebcc206&id=859888bf5d…)
Extension & Knowledge Exchange
Working Party News
Extension and Knowledge Exchange
IUFRO Working Party 9.01.03
Serving as a forum for information exchange among forestry Extensionists worldwide
Extension & Knowledge Exchange
Working Party unit 9.01.03
September 28 - October 2, 2015
Galway, Ireland
Connecting Research to Practice: The Evolving World of Extension and Knowledge Exchange
The first call for abstracts opens on 9 March 2015 and closes 9 April 2015.
Abstracts should be no more than 200 words, and should include the title, all authors and affiliations, and indicate whether they are to be considered for either an oral or poster presentation, or both. Please include the name and email for the primary contact and title your email: "LASTNAME"_IUFRO_EKE
Oral presentation slots are limited to 30. Those not accepted for an oral presentation will we accepted for a poster presentation.
Please email your abstract to j (mailto:janean.creighton@oregonstate.edu) anean.creighton(a)oregonstate.edu (mailto:janean.creighton@oregonstate.edu)
EKE WP Coordinator:
Janean Creighton (mailto:janean.creighton@oregonstate.edu) (United States)
John Pineau (Canada)
Ales Poljanec (Slovenia)
Sally Upfold (South Africa)
Copyright © 2015 Oregon State University, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you subscribed to the IUFRO Extension and Knowledge Exchange Working Party list serve
Our mailing address is:
Oregon State University
321 Richardson Hall
Corvallis, Or 97331
** unsubscribe from this list (http://frames.us4.list-manage.com/unsubscribe?u=07a960258f4a03a669ebcc206&i…)
** update subscription preferences (http://frames.us4.list-manage.com/profile?u=07a960258f4a03a669ebcc206&id=d9…)
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