Hello potential NAFIWC moderators, speakers and attendees.


We received many great suggestions for sessions at our upcoming NAFIWC 2016 – May 31-June3 in Washington, DC

Attached is a listing of the sessions accepted for the program so far.

In addition, the program committee identified some key topics that are not, as of yet, covered in our agenda.  These are:


1.       Insect responses to climate change

2.       Non-native species

3.       Drought and fire and disturbance

4.       Insect ecology – life history, population dynamics

5.       Biocontrol

6.       Chemical Control of Insects – loss of products

7.       Pollinators

8.       The “omics”, practicality of using molecular approaches.

We are seeking volunteers to moderate sessions (and line up speakers) on these general topics.

In addition, we still have available slots for a few open sessions.

One of these might even be a general open session for submitted papers, we would still need a volunteer to organize and moderate that session.


So, please consider what we have so far, what we still need, and what we might yet need… then, if you feel so moved, volunteer to help us cover that topic.


Please submit your proposals (in the format below) to Kier Klepzig, Program Chair – NO LATER THAN October 30, 2015


Thanks for sharing, networking, suggesting and volunteering!


-          Kier


Forest Service Shield

Kier D. Klepzig, PhD
Assistant Director - Research

Forest Service

Southern Research Station

p: 828-257-4307
c: 828-215-3186
f: 828-257-4313

200 WT Weaver Blvd
Asheville, NC 28804
USDA LogoForest Service TwitterUSDA Facebook

Caring for the land and serving people



Forest Service Shield

Kier D. Klepzig, PhD
Assistant Director - Research

Forest Service

Southern Research Station

p: 828-257-4307
c: 828-215-3186
f: 828-257-4313

200 WT Weaver Blvd
Asheville, NC 28804
USDA LogoForest Service TwitterUSDA Facebook

Caring for the land and serving people