Dear friends and colleagues,
We are pleased to inform you that the 1st announcement of the IUFRO WP 7.02.13 Meeting "Improving forest health on commercial plantations”, that will be held on March 2018 in Punta del Este, Uruguay, is available online at
This meeting will be an excellent opportunity to discuss on a wide range of topics, from status of pests and diseases to biosecurity and from monitoring to management of forest insects and pathogens affecting intensively managed commercial plantations. And of course, it will be also an opportunity to enjoy the natural beauties of Uruguay.
Please, feel free to contact us for any comments and questions.
Looking forward to see you here for an unforgettable meeting,
With kind regards,
Gustavo Balmelli 
Leader of the Organizing Committee



Ing. Agr. MSc. PhD. Gustavo Balmelli

Programa Forestal
INIA Tacuarembó
Tel.: ++598 463 22407  int 1389
Ruta 5, Km. 386. Tacuarembó