Dear Colleagues,

Please forward this notice to students who might be interested. Thank you.

Master’s / PhD Fellowship available: Community ecology - Brown spruce longhorn beetle 

The University of New Brunswick (UNB) in Fredericton and the Canadian Forest Service (CFS) laboratories in Fredericton and Quebec City are seeking a Master’s or PhD student whose research will evaluate the impact of biotic (i.e. trophic interactions) and abiotic (i.e. climate) factors that drive the population dynamics of exotic forest insects. Using the exotic brown spruce longhorn beetle as a model system, the student will examine the patterns and processes that explain why some alien forest insect species become invasive.

The student will pursue course work at UNB, Fredericton, New Brunswick’s capital city. Fredericton is home to a large and vibrant research community at the university and in several federal research labs. Research activities will be based out of the quarantine laboratories of the Canadian Forest Service in Fredericton. Field work will be conducted in infested red spruce forests in Nova Scotia. The supervisory committee will consist of Dr. Deepa Pureswaran (CFS-Quebec), Dr. Steve Heard (UNB) and Dr. Jon Sweeney (CFS-Fredericton).

Candidates will be chosen based on the excellence of their academic credentials.
The fellowships will be each of a minimum of $19,000 per year (before tuition and fees) for three years (Summer or Fall 2012 to Fall 2015). Students already holding or are intending to hold other scholarships are encouraged to apply. Please consult the following page for admission requirements:   

Information on our research programs can be found at:

For more information contact Deepa Pureswaran ( or Steve Heard (

Deepa Pureswaran, PhD
Chercheure // Research Scientist
Écologie des insectes forestiers // Forest Insect Ecology
Ressources naturelles Canada // Natural Resources Canada
Service canadien des forêts // Canadian Forest Service
Centre de foresterie des Laurentides // Laurentian Forestry Centre
CP 10380 Succ Sainte-Foy // PO Box 10380 Stn. Sainte-Foy

Québec QC G1V 4C7 

Téléphone: 418-648-7532
Fax: 418-648-5849
