Dear colleagues

We are very pleased to announce the very first meeting of our new IUFRO Working Group (7.03.17) on Tree Health in Urban Forests.

The workshop will be part of the IUFRO all Division 7 “Forest Health” Lisbon 2022 Conference, 6-9 September, Lisbon - Portugal.

We invite you to register without delay for this conference ( and submit your abstract to the dedicated session “Tree Health in Urban Forests”

Looking forward to seeing many of you in Lisbon

Best regards,
Hervé, Johanna and Steven
Directeur de Recherches
Entomologie Forestière & Biodiversité
Forest Entomology & Biodiversity
69, route d'Arcachon
33612 CESTAS cedex, France
Tel + 33 (0)5 35 38 53 11