From: Britton, Kerry -FS
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 9:22 AM
To: Forent network Forent Network (; Forest Path Committee (; ''
Subject: IUFRO Work Unit on Invasive Species in International Trade meeting late Oct 2013 in China


Dear colleagues –


The IUFRO Work Unit on Invasive Species in International Trade will meet Oct 23-Nov 1 in Qingdao, China. Our meeting will overlap with the 2nd International Congress on Biological Invasions and the International Forestry Quarantine Research Group (IFQRG). The dates above include all three meetings. This overlap will allow for extended opportunities for networking, topnotch presentations, and for participating in IFQRG, which has the opportunity to influence the policies of the International Plant Protection Convention.  It’s a golden opportunity!


See attached file for more information on the sessions that are planned, and please let me know if you would like to be put on the Conference mailing list, to receive more information once hotel and registration costs are known.


Kerry Britton



Dr. Kerry O. Britton
National Pathologist for
U.S.D.A. Forest Service
Research & Development
1601 N. Kent Street, RPC-4          
Arlington, VA 22209                          phone: 703-605-4170
                                                        FAX: 703-605-5133


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