Ph.D. graduate fellowship at Dartmouth College to study invasion ecology across continents


We have a Ph.D. graduate fellowship available to begin as soon as summer 2013 in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Program of the Department of Biological Sciences at Dartmouth College. The successful candidate will be a co-investigator in "Intercontinental comparisons of the ecology and impacts of an invasive forest insect: the case of the European woodwasp, Sirex noctilio." Other team members are: Sandy Liebhold (US Forest Service), Juan Corley (Ecología de Insectos, INTA Bariloche, Argentina), Maria Lombardero (Departamento de Produccioìn Vegetal, Universidad de Santiago, Spain), and Mike Wingfield, Brett Hurley, Bernard Slippers, and Jeff Garnas (Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute, South Africa). Requirements include ability to conceive and conduct original research within the umbrella of a larger project, as well as enthusiasm for international travel, field biology, and collaboration. The EEB Graduate Program at Dartmouth College is top tier in terms of intellectual environment, resources for graduate students, and success of alumni. To initiate an application, email a CV and statement of interest to is no hard deadline but applications will be reviewed promptly. International applications are welcome. The project is supported by USDA Forest Service International Programs. Please forward this to anyone who might be interested. 


Matt Ayres

Professor of Biology

Dartmouth College

Hanover, NH  03755


Highly qualified candidates may be eligible for a GAANN Fellowship with a stipend of up to $30,000.