Dear Colleagues,
I have a few announcements about NAFIWC to share with you:
I have been getting a number of inquiries regarding the program. The Program Committee is working hard to finalize the program and it will be posted on the website very soon. However, to help you make your travel arrangements, the meeting officially begins with a mixer Monday evening from 5-7 PM and all sessions end at noon on Thursday. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have addtional questions.
Please register as soon as possible to help us plan for this meeting. The cost of registration goes up after April 10. Please note - everyone needs to complete a registration form that is available on the NAFIWC website regardless of whether you pay by debit/credit card online or by sending a check in the mail. Paying online does not complete the registration process - we also need a completed registration form from you.
Hotel reservations:
If you plan to stay at the meeting hotel, please make your reservations as soon as possible. Many of the rooms in our block have been reserved for some nights. There is no guarantee that we will be able to get more rooms at the government per diem rate once our block of rooms is full. The sooner we request additional rooms, the greater the chances that we can accommodate everyone.
The poster session is almost full, but there is still space for a few more. We will accept poster submissions until March 31st or until we reach capacity. All posters will be displayed for the entire meeting in a central location. We will also have a separate mixer Tuesday evening to highlight the poster presentations.
The NAFIWC website is updated periodically with new information about the meeting. Please check the website occasionally for the latest information:
Best regards,
Darrell Ross
Chair, NAFIWC 2011 Organizing Committee