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Only 3 days left for the Abstract Submission Deadline!

Dear Friends,

Only 3 days are left for Abstract Submission Deadline for the Joint Meeting of IUFRO WPs 7.03.05 & 7.03.10.
The Joint Meeting of IUFRO's WP 7.03.05 & WP 7.03.10, held in Thessaloniki, Greece, 11-15 September, 2017, welcomes the submission of abstracts for original contribution to the field. View the Thematic Sessions here.
Important Dates:
  • 30 June 2017:  Deadline for early bird registration
  • 15 May 2017:   Deadline for abstract submission
  • 15 June 2017:  Notification of acceptance of abstracts
Would you miss a fantastic excursion to Mount Olympus?
This tour will take you to the footsteps of Mt. Olympus; also known as the “home of Gods”. We will first visit Dion, the religious center of the Macedonians, where the mythical 12 Olympic Gods were worshipped. During the tour we will visit the Archeological Park and the Archeological Museum of Dion, one of the biggest archaeological sites in Greece. The ancient city was sacred to the ancient Macedonians and Alexander the Great used to make here sacrifices to the Gods, before starting a new campaign to conquer the world. Register now for the Field Trip at Mount Olympus!
For more information please visit the IUFRO 2017 website.

Should you have any further inquiries, feel free to send us an e-mail at: