Dear Future Attendees of the 2016 North American Forest Insect Work Conference,


The dates, location, and venue are set.  The program is developing.  The website is now online at

Reservations are being taken for the host hotel Washington Marriott  Wardman Park  Click on the passkey link dedicated to our conference.


There is a Sponsorship/Exhibitor Committee being thankfully headed up by John Riggins to help find support for the conference (  Registration charges for participation will be influenced by how well we do in this area.  Please pass on contact information of any potential sponsors and exhibitors to him.


We hope to have  online registration available by the end of the year if not sooner.


Note we are hoping to be able to offer a couple of field trips for the afternoon of Tuesday May 31, prior to the evening’s opening reception.  Bob Rabaglia will be helping to organize these activities.


Kier Klepzig and the Program Committee have made good progress on developing a program with great input from many of you.  This work continues.


Please let us know if you have any questions about the conference and location.  We may have immediate answers or may need to defer until we know better.


Look forward to seeing so many colleagues and hopefully new faces this spring in D.C.




Scott Salom

Chair, 2016 NAFIWC


Scott M. Salom, Ph.D.

Professor – Forest Entomology

Department of Entomology

216 Price Hall MC 0319

170 Drillfield Drive, Virginia Tech

Blacksburg, VA 24061

Phone: 540-231-2794

Dept. Website:

Interfaces of Global Change Website: