Dear Colleagues,


We would like to announce the following event as wide as possible:


Joint IUFRO 7.02.02 “Foliage, shoot and stem diseases of forest trees” and 7.03.04 “Diseases and insects in forest nurseries” Working Party Meetings, Uppsala, Sweden 7 – 12th June 2015


Meeting venue: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala (


Preliminary schedule:


Sunday, June 7th: arrival, registration and welcome snack at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

Monday, June 8th – sessions

Tuesday, June 9th – sessions.

Wednesday, June 10th – excursion to Dothistroma and Gremmeniella-attacked areas and Nässa nursery

Thursday, June 11th – sessions and conference dinner;

Friday, June 12th - morning sessions and departure after the lunch.


Pre-registration: for planning purposes we would appreciate if you could reply to this e-mail  indicating whether you might be interested in coming.

Depending on potential participants we will be able to give an estimate of conference fees in the next e-mail.


You are cordially invited to attend. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions


IUFRO “Foliage, shoot and stem diseases of forest trees”


Jonās Oliva:

Jan Stenlid:


IUFRO “Diseases and insects in forest nurseries”

Audrius Menkis:


Note on estimated costs for conference attendees: Estimated conference fee will be of 3000 SEK (Swedish Krona) for the conference. It should include lunches, but not dinners, neither breakfasts nor lodging. Gala dinner will cost 600 SEK extra. Organisation will not take care of booking. Most hotels in Uppsala are easily found and booked in Internet.



Jonās Oliva, Ph. D.

Assistant Professor – Forskarassistent

Dept. Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology, SLU

Box 7026

75007 Uppsala, Sweden

telefon:  018-671602

fax       +46 18 673599