Dear colleagues and friends,


This is the second announcement of the upcoming IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations) All Division 7 Conference, "Global Change and Forest Health".


The conference will be held at the University of Istanbul in Istanbul, Turkey, on 25-29 April 2016. 


Please note:

Proposals for sessions and symposia are invited by 31 May 2015. We kindly invite you to propose a session to this exciting global event. 

Abstract submission will be available from 1 July to 30 November 2015.


Please check the web page for details, to subscribe to information updates, and/or to submit a session proposal. 


The main conference topics are, in the context of global change and forest health:

·         climate change,

·         biological invasions,

·         air pollution,

·         forest pathology,

·         forest entomology,

·         and their interactions 


Feel free to contact us with any questions and comments. 


Kind regards


Yusuf Serengil

Faculty of Forestry, Istanbul University - Turkey

Coordinator IUFRO Working Party WP 7.01.08

Local Organizer, Conference Scientific and Organizing Committees

Eckehard Brockerhoff

Scion (New Zealand Forest Research Institute) and 

University of Canterbury, School of Biological Sciences - New Zealand

Coordinator IUFRO Division 7, Forest Health

Member of the Conference Scientific Committee

Elena Paoletti

National Research Council
Sustainable Plant Protection Institute - Italy

Coordinator IUFRO RG 7.1, Impacts of Air Pollution and Climate Change on Forest Ecosystems

Member of the Conference Scientific Committee

Jolanda Roux

Tree Pathology Co-operative Programme (TPCP)
Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute - South Africa

Coordinator IUFRO RG 7.2, Pathology

Member of the Conference Scientific Committee

Andrew (Sandy) Liebhold

US Forest Service
Northern Research Station - USA

Coordinator IUFRO RG 7.3, Entomology

Member of the Conference Scientific Committee

Andrzej Bytnerowicz

US Forest Service
Pacific Southwest Research Station - USA

Deputy Coordinator IUFRO RG 7.1, Impacts of Air Pollution and Climate Change on Forest Ecosystems 

Member of the Conference Scientific Committee  



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