-------- Message transféré --------
Sujet : Postponement of the NFZ Summer School “Emerging pests and diseases in temperate forests” to July 5-9, 2021
Date : Fri, 12 Jun 2020 11:00:37 +0200
De : Pascal Frey <pascal.frey@inrae.fr>
Pour : IUFRO Division 7 List <div7@lists.iufro.org>
Copie à : Christelle Robinet <christelle.robinet@inrae.fr>, Benoit Marçais <benoit.marcais@inrae.fr>, Valentin Queloz <valentin.queloz@wsl.ch>

Dear colleagues,

We hope you and your families, colleagues, and friends remain in good health.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and ongoing uncertainties on international travel, the organizing committee of the NFZ 2020 Summer School “Emerging pests and diseases in temperate forests” decided to postpone this event to July 5-9, 2021.

Please check our website (https://workshop.inrae.fr/nfz-summerschool/ ) where any relevant announcements will be published.

Take care of yourself.

Best regards,

Pascal Frey, Benoit Marçais, Christelle Robinet and Valentin Queloz


INRA and IRSTEA merged on 1st January 2020 to create INRAE
New email address: pascal.frey@inrae.fr

Dr Pascal FREY
INRAE, University of Lorraine
Department of Tree - Microbe Interactions
Ecology of Forest Pathogenic Fungi team
F-54280 Champenoux

Office: +33 (0)383 39 40 56
Mobile: +33 (0)631 45 94 07
E-mail: pascal.frey@inrae.fr
Twitter: @pascal_frey