Hello again, colleagues:


As a follow-up to my prior message, I attach the ad for the junior faculty position in Ecological Forestry and Restoration.  Feel free to share as you see fit.


Also, let me take this opportunity to remind everyone that Section Pest, Pathogens and Invasions of Frontiers in Forests and Global Change is accepting manuscripts as well as ideas for Research Topics.  We have a great editorial board that strives to publish the best papers in our field.  Let me know if you have any questions.






The Ohio State University

Pierluigi (Enrico) Bonello
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Plant Pathology
201 Kottman Hall, 2021 Coffey Road, Columbus, OH 43210
614-688-5401 Office / 614-292-4455 Fax
bonello.2@osu.edu / Website

Pronouns: he/him/his 


Specialty Chief Editor: Frontiers in Forests and Global Change – Pests, Pathogens and Invasions

Center for Applied Plant Sciences

Infectious Diseases Institute

Sustainability Institute

Environmental Science Graduate Program

The STEAM Factory




From: "Enrico Bonello.2" <bonello.2@osu.edu>
Date: Monday, January 17, 2022 at 11:42 AM
To: "IUFRO RG 7.03.00" <rg70300-forent@lists.iufro.org>, forpath <rg70200-forpath@lists.iufro.org>
Subject: Forest Entomology position now open at Ohio State University


Hello all,


I am really thrilled to share the attached position description for the forest entomologist search now underway here at Ohio State University.  For those of you who know him, this is the descendant of the position previously covered by Dan Herms.


Concurrently, our School of Environment and Natural Resources is searching for a junior faculty in Ecological Forestry and Restoration.  I would expect potential synergies in this area as it may pertain to restoration after alien pest incursions.


Please spread the word to your local networks.  We are trying to reach the widest possible audience of outstanding forest entomologists.


Any questions about the position can be addressed as described in the job ad.  Anyone interested in potentially collaborating with me, please feel free to ask questions!


All the best,




The Ohio State University

Pierluigi (Enrico) Bonello
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Plant Pathology
201 Kottman Hall, 2021 Coffey Road, Columbus, OH 43210
614-688-5401 Office / 614-292-4455 Fax
bonello.2@osu.edu / Website

Pronouns: he/him/his 


Specialty Chief Editor: Frontiers in Forests and Global Change – Pests, Pathogens and Invasions

Center for Applied Plant Sciences

Infectious Diseases Institute

Sustainability Institute

Environmental Science Graduate Program

The STEAM Factory