Everyone is invited to the IUFRO Unit 7.02.11 Parasitic flowering plants in forests, sponsored meeting in Ashland, Oregon, USA July 17-22, 2016.
The meeting is titled, “Mistletoes: Pathogens, Keystone Resource, and Medicinal Wonder”, to indicate the breadth of topics that will be covered (systematics, ecology, pharmacology, economics, wildlife, management, host parasite interactions,
etc). The organizing committee is inviting interested people to submit abstracts for consideration in oral and poster sessions (although website might not be ready for submissions quite yet).
The organizing committee includes: David Shaw, USA, Marcelo Wagner, Argentina, David Watson Australia, Simon Shamoun, Canada, and Robert Mathiasen, USA.
Ashland, Oregon is a small city in Southern Oregon State near the California border area where mistletoes in the Viscaceae (Arceuthobium, Phoradendron) are abundant and important to forest ecology and management. We plan two full
day field outings to natural areas, managed forests, national forests, and national parks. The region is very diverse with high plant endemism.
Attached please find the brochure announcing the meeting. Please share this with colleagues and spread the word. We hope you will be interested in attending.
If you have any questions please email David Shaw at:
dave.shaw@oregonstate.edu or Brianna Beene at:
David Shaw and the IUFRO 7.02.11 organizing committee.
Associate Professor, Department of Forest Engineering, Resources and Management
Forest Health Specialist, Forestry and Natural Resources Extension
Director, Swiss Needle Cast Cooperative (http://sncc.forestry.oregonstate.edu/)
College of Forestry, Oregon State University