Dear all,

The upcoming IUFRO symposium on pine wilt disease will start in 2 weeks!
Dont' forget to register if you would like to attend this virtual meeting.

Feel free to circulate this information to colleagues who could be interested.

More information (schedule and registration links) at:

Best regards

On behalf of the scientific and organizing committees,

Christelle Robinet

Dr. Christelle ROBINET
Directrice de Recherche

INRAE Val de Loire, site d'Orléans
Unité de Recherche Zoologie Forestière (URZF)
2163 Avenue de la Pomme de Pin - CS 40001 - Ardon
45075 Orléans cedex 2
Tel: (+33)
Fax: (+33)

Le 11/10/2021 à 14:45, Christelle Robinet a écrit :

Dear all,

The IUFRO symposium on pine wilt disease* (working party 7.02.10) will take place from Nov 22nd to 26th, 2021 as a virtual meeting. Talks will be related to :
- the situation of the pine wood nematode invasion in infested regions or countries,
- the insect vectors,
- the host trees and development of the pine wilt disease,
- the interactions within this complex multi-player system, and
- the management of the pine wood nematode.

The schedule is available here :

To register and obtain your connexion links to this webinar (it is free), please visit :

Feel free to circulate this information.

On behalf of the scientific and organizing committees,

Christelle Robinet


* This event corresponds to the rescheduling of the symposium that was initially planned in Orleans (France) in March 2020 and that was cancelled due to COVID-19.

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