----- Forwarded by Martin MacKenzie/R5/USDAFS on 12/15/2010 11:43 AM -----
Martin MacKenzie/R5/USDAFS

12/15/2010 11:15 AM

Harry Potter and other misc stuff

        (!) What do you recommend for dissolving the glue on sticky traps?  I'm thinking of cutting up sections of a sticky trap and shaking them up in misc solvents to find the best one

         (!!)  I believe I had read some place that mixing ethyl acetate with alcohol would produce a mixture to mimic a declining tree.   As I can not, now  find my reference, can any one confirm this ?

           (!!!)  Although I have never seen beech Bark Disease on a European Beech, for a fraction of a second I thought I saw its symptoms while watching the most recent Harry Potter movie. Can anyone confirm?  It is an insect mediated disease!

                Dr. Martin MacKenzie,  Forest Pathologist
                Southern Sierra Shared Service Area
                (209) 532 3671 ext 242
                Stanislaus National Forest
                19777 Greenley Road
                Sonora, CA 95370
                                     qui docet discit