Dear Colleagues,


The EU COST Action FP1002 PERMIT (Pathway Evaluation and pest Risk Management In Transport) is organising a Training School for Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) (i.e. within 8 years of obtaining a research degree) in Field and laboratory methods for detection of invasive pests and pathogens. This is open to ESRs in COST countries or near-neighbour non-COST countries and financial support will be provided to eligible candidates. Please see the attached information and send your applications to Professor Hugh Evans, Chair of the PERMIT COST Action. The Training School can cater for around 30 participants and therefore anyone interested should apply as soon as possible and will receive a rapid response.


Apologies for the short notice, but we hope to have a successful course.


Hugh Evans

Chair of FP1002


Professor Hugh F Evans

Pennaeth Ymchwil Coedwigaeth yng Nghymru / Head of Forest Research in Wales


Forest Research in Wales

Adeilad Edward Llwyd / Edward Llwyd Building

Campws Penglais / Penglais Campus



SY23 3DA


Uniongyrchol/Direct: +44(0)1970 621527

Rhif ffôn Symudol gwaith /Work mobile: +44 (0)7917000234



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