Hello colleagues worldwide,






The Ohio State University

Pierluigi (Enrico) Bonello
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Plant Pathology
201 Kottman Hall, 2021 Coffey Road, Columbus, OH 43210
614-688-5401 Office / 614-292-4455 Fax
bonello.2@osu.edu / Website

Pronouns: he/him/his 


Specialty Chief Editor: Frontiers in Forests and Global Change – Pests, Pathogens and Invasions

Center for Applied Plant Sciences

Infectious Diseases Institute

Sustainability Institute

Environmental Science Graduate Program

The STEAM Factory




From: Leigh Greenwood <lgreenwood@TNC.ORG>
Date: Monday, February 13, 2023 at 12:53 PM
To: "Lebow, Beth" <elizabeth.lebow@usda.gov>, Andrew Liebhold <aliebhold@gmail.com>, "andrew.liebhold@usda.gov" <andrew.liebhold@usda.gov>, "Williams, Geoffrey (CTR) - FS, EUGENE, OR" <Geoffrey.Williams@usda.gov>, "Hulcr,Jiri" <hulcr@ufl.edu>, "Deriel, Elise - FS" <elise.deriel@usda.gov>, Rebecca Turner <Rebecca.Turner@scionresearch.com>, "MacQuarrie, Chris" <christian.macquarrie@NRCan-RNCan.gc.ca>, Emma Hudgins <EmmaHudgins@cunet.carleton.ca>, "Enrico Bonello.2" <bonello.2@osu.edu>
Subject: FW: [fisnet] Forest Health - Needs assessment


Hello forest health colleagues! Please see below and attached for a Needs Assessment being conducted on invasive species and forests by the FAO. In order for this Needs Assessment to reach a wide array of professionals outside of the USA, I

Hello forest health colleagues!

Please see below and attached for a Needs Assessment being conducted on invasive species and forests by the FAO. In order for this Needs Assessment to reach a wide array of professionals outside of the USA, I tried to pick each person on this list due to their likely good connections, or literal being, outside the USA. Please distribute widely as you see fit. Thank you!




From: Forest Invasive Species <fisnet@dgroups.org> On Behalf Of Natalia Paola Cano Marimon
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2023 2:03 AM
To: Forest Invasive Species <fisnet@dgroups.org
Subject: [fisnet] Forest Health - Needs assessment


Dear all,

Happy Monday!

At FAO we are working to protect forests health, to do this we would like to have your say about what is being done and what is needed still in your own contexts.

Find more information attached or access the assessment through the following link: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=UOywkz_87UeTRZ_8YBJUHOhFoTlCITJOg7o6wPIi9v5URFc4M0ZMVjhOU1E5Skk2V1M3T1dYN1FYVi4u

Do not hesitate to reach out and share further comments.