Dear colleagues!

We are advertising a new PhD position in forest pathology and silviculture with focus regeneration and restoration of ash after the ash dieback epidemic. I would appreciate if you could please circulate the advertisement and encourage interested applicants to apply. Please follow the link here:

PhD student position in forest pathology & silviculture | Externwebben (


Kind regards,



Dr. Michelle Cleary

Forest Pathologist, Associate Professor (Docent)

Senior Lecturer in Forest Pathology

Deputy Head of the Department for Research

Vice-Director of the Centre for Excellence on Fast-growing Broadleaves (TREES FOR ME)


Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences/ Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre/Sydsvensk Skogsvetenskap

Mailing address : Box 190, 234 22 Lomma

Visiting address : Sundsvägen 3, 230 503 Alnarp

Telephone (office) : +46 (0)40 415181

Telephone (mobile) : +46 (0)76 7878771

Email :


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Forest Pathology Lab 


Save the Ash Citizen Science  


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