I agree.  Thiophanate would be a good candidate.  There is a good spate of azoles, and this would be an excellent research project.    Jay Stipes

On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 11:15 AM, Zambino, Paul -FS <pzambino@fs.fed.us> wrote:

I would look into thiophanate methyl. Thiophanate methyl is a breakdown product of benomyl and is not effective against basidiomycetes.

Ever since benomyl was phased out, rust pathologists have routinely added this to trays of young growing cereal seedlings representing resistance gene isolines, prior to inoculation with rust, in the process of identifying rust “races”.

Forest Service Shield

Paul Zambino, PhD
Plant Pathologist

Forest Service

Region 1 Forest Health Protection, Coeur d'Alene Field Office

p: 208-765-7493
c: 208-446-4251
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From: rg70200-forpath-bounces@lists.iufro.org [mailto:rg70200-forpath-bounces@lists.iufro.org] On Behalf Of Ian Hood
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 1:36 PM
To: rg70200-forpath@lists.iufro.org
Subject: [IUFRO RG 7.02 FORPATH] Selective culture medium for isolating basidiomycetes


With the reduced availability of Benlate fungicide our lab is seeking other options for a selective medium for isolating basidiomycete cultures (unlike many other fungal groups, basidiomycetes are able to grow in the presence of the added active ingredient, benomyl).


I would be pleased to hear what media other laboratories may be currently using to isolate basidiomycte fungi and what people may think of their effectiveness.




Ian Hood

Forest Protection Scientist

Scion (NZ Forest Research Inst. Ltd.)

49 Sala Street, Private Bag 3020, Rotorua 3046, New Zealand

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