A graduate research assistantship is available to support a student pursuing an MS or PhD degree with my program through the Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  A generous stipend, medical benefits, and tuition waiver are included.  Only candidates with a strong background in plant and forest sciences, as well as plant pathology and mycology, are encouraged to apply.  Excellent abilities in spoken and written English are required.  Support can begin in fall semester 2010.


Please see the web page of the Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology (http://forestandwildlifeecology.wisc.edu/) and the link there for application instructions.  Information regarding recent activities in my program can easily be obtained by searching the web for publications.


Glen R. Stanosz, Ph. D.

Professor of Forest Pathology

Department of Plant Pathology

Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology

University of Wisconsin-Madison

1630 Linden Drive

Madison, WI 53706 USA

telephone: 608-265-2863

fax: 608-263-2626

email: grs@plantpath.wisc.edu


FOREST PATHOLOGY: research, teaching, and outreach to keep trees and forests green and growing!