Dear All,
The abstract submission deadline for the upcoming IUFRO 125 Anniversary Congress in Freiburg (19 – 22 September 2017) is Wednesday,
30 November 2016, 3 days from now!
This link will take you directly to the abstract submission page:
The anniversary congress will also include an All-Division 7 meeting which contains the sessions listed below. This link will take you to the session descriptions:
Division 7 Forest Health sessions:
56 Modern approaches in evaluating ozone impacts on forests
57 Invasive Alien Species and International Trade - Detection Prior to Introduction, Measures and Policy for Mitigation
59 Responses to the increasing threat of insect pests to sustainable plantation forestry
71 Early detection and monitoring of invasive forest pests and pathogens with citizen science
83 Are we doing the right things to deal with invasive forest pest and pathogens? Lessons from history d current strategies
85 Sustaining Ecological Services and Preservation in an Era of Climate Change, Fragmenting Boundaries, and Intensifying Nati-ve & Invasive Disturbances
86 The science of tree health and how we can use it: Multidisciplinary research from the Tree Health and Plant Biosecurity Initiative (THAPBI).
120 Insect pests and pathogens of tree reproductive structures in a changing world: assessing vulnerability and mitigation stra-tegies
122 Invasive species surveillance: New methods and tools for survey and early detection
136 Hierarchical modelling framework to quantify and forecast climate change and air pollution impacts on forest ecosystems
146 Climate change and air pollution impacts on forest health status and productivity
161 Combined and interactive effects of multiple stressors on forest health
165 Dothistroma and other needle diseases of pine
167 Ecosystems, climate change and hydrology
170 Understanding viruses in trees - promoting healthy plants in forest and urban open space
177 Forest Health in a Changing Climate
188 Managing pests and diseases in commercial plantations
191 Nitrogen deposition: spatial-temporal change and ecological impacts
192 Global decline of Fraxinus species caused by invasive pests and pathogens
198 Forest biodiversity and resistance to natural disturbances
199 Effects of global change on Mediterranean forest insects and interactions with pathogens
208 Social and Economic dimensions of forest health: Contributing to a biosecure future
300 Pine pitch canker - strategies for management of Gibberella circinata in greenhouses and forests (PINESTRENGTH)
Both oral and poster presentations are welcome. When submitting your abstract, a general congress topic or Division 7 must be selected during the submission process through the portal. Each presenter can submit a maximum of 2 abstracts,
but can be a coauthor on more than two abstracts. The portal is simple to use and will remain open until midnight CET on 30 November. We are looking forward to an exciting and interesting congress.
All the best, Tod Ramsfield
Tod Ramsfield, PhD
Research Scientist Forest Pathology, Canadian Forest Service
Natural Resources Canada / Government of Canada / Tel: 780-435-7394
Chercheur, Pathologie forestière, Service canadien des forêts
Ressources naturelles Canada / Gouvernement du Canada / Tel : 780-435-7394