Dear Colleagues -


Katherine Tubby is asking if there are any recent observations of problems with sycamore (Platanus) in the USA??


There are reports in the literature of Splanchnonema platani, the cause of Massaria disease, but please let me and Kath know if you are familiar with any work in the USA in last 20 years.  (The pathogen used to be called Macrodiplodiopsis desmazieresii/Massaria platani.)


She is also interested in US reports of Ceratocystis platani.


Info on Massaria and other sycamore problems in the UK may be found at 


Katherine’s contact info:


Dr Kath Tubby, Forest pathologist, Forest Research, Alice Holt Lodge, Farnham, Surrey (  


- Susan


Forest Service Shield

Susan Frankel
Plant Pathologist

Forest Service

Pacific Southwest Research Station

p: 510-559-6472
f: 510-559-6440

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