Dear friends and colleagues,


Unfortunately, I have to inform you that the 16th IUFRO conference on root and stem rots in Mexico, Xalapa planned for October 2021 will be postponed and most likely converted into a digital format. This unfortunate situation is of course due to the pandemic. We are very sorry for this and that the information is coming so late. We will keep you informed on the development as soon as we have some more details. It has though been suggested to move the conference to March 2022, as digital or possibly a hybrid. If you have any comments or opinions on this we are grateful if you could mail Jonas directly at


On behalf of our Mexican organizers

Yours sincerely

Jonas Rönnberg




Jonas Rönnberg
Associate prof., Head of SNS

SLU Alnarp
Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre
P.O. Box 190
SE-234 22 Lomma

Office: +46 40 415179
+46 70 6727643




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