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From: "Rioux, Danny (NRCan/RNCan)" <danny.rioux@canada.ca>
To: "Burgdorf, Nicole (LWF)" <Nicole.Burgdorf@lwf.bayern.de>, "rg70200-forpath-bounces@lists.iufro.org" <rg70200-forpath-bounces@lists.iufro.org>
Date: Tue, 14 May 2019 10:15:50 +0000
Subject: RE: Sooty bark disease
Hello all,
Does anyone have some advice to give on this disease (see below)?
Research scientist
Laurentian Forestry Centre
Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service
1055, rue du P.E.P.S.,
P.O. Box 10380, Stn. Sainte-Foy
Quebec (QC), Canada G1V 4C7
Tel : (418) 648- 3127 -- Fax : (418) 648-2529
Email : danny.rioux@canada.ca
Web : http://www.cfl.forestry.ca
De : Burgdorf, Nicole (LWF) <Nicole.Burgdorf@lwf.bayern.de>
Envoyé : May 14, 2019 03:37
À : Rioux, Danny (NRCan/RNCan) <danny.rioux@canada.ca>
Objet : Sooty bark disease
Subject: Sooty bark disease in Sycamore (by the fungus Cryptostroma corticale)
Dear Dr. Rioux,
I would like to ask about a forest disease in maples. In Germany we tend to get a big problem with Sooty bark disease in Sycamore maple trees. We noticed forest stands, where more than 50 % of the trees are dying.
Since there is only little in literature I would like to ask if You could give me information about your experience. We especially need to know how to remove trees and if there is a great risk for human health.
I would be happy if you could give some advice or a contact person in phytopathology.
Thank you and kind regards, Nicole Burgdorf
Dr. Nicole Burgdorf
Department of Forest Protection
Bavarian State Institute of Forestry
Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 1
85354 Freising
Phone: 0049 8161 71 4949