Hello Everybody,

The deadline for abstracts submission to #IUFRO2019 was extended to 10/01/2019.
Get Involved!
Submit your abstract athttps://bit.ly/2SiD53n
The deadline for abstracts submission to IUFRO Phyllosphere disease has been delayed to 15/02/2019.

Don't miss the opportunity!!
Submit your abstract at https://phyllospherediseases.wixsite.com/conference2019 

The organising team

Alberto Santini
Forest Pathologist PhD
Istituto per la Protezione Sostenibile delle Piante (IPSP) - C.N.R.
Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection - C.N.R.
Via Madonna del Piano, 10
50019 Sesto fiorentino (FI) - ITALY
tel.: +390555225586
mobile: +39 3355268870