I asked a recent PhD grad who did a lot of research on EWP (Dr. Philip Marshall). Here is what he said: 

"Yes I have seen this a number of times, especially in trees from wetland sites. It seems to be associated with suppression/stagnation/slow growth, and the color is from an accumulation of resins in the wood (so there may be a stress response involved). "

Ann Camp

On Apr 23, 2012, at 8:20 AM, William Livingston wrote:

I have seen the orange wood in a local woodlot, and foresters refer to it as “pumpkin wood”.  There is no apparent relation to infectious disease or tree health.  The coloration just seems to be peculiar to white pine in certain stands and locations.


Bill Livingston


From: rg70200-forpath-bounces@lists.iufro.org [mailto:rg70200-forpath-bounces@lists.iufro.org] On Behalf Of Marra, Robert
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 1:45 PM
To: rg70200-forpath@lists.iufro.org
Subject: [IUFRO RG 7.02 FORPATH] orange stain in white pines


Hello Forpathers,


The following pictures were taken from recently felled white pines in a small area on water company property experiencing some severe dieback.  This is a very dense stand, heavily overcrowded and large, maybe 60-80 years old, having obviously never had a thinning.  So they’re stressed.  But when I had one of the foresters fell a couple of trees so we could look for any signs of disease, we noticed this bright orange staining.   I don’t have any reason to believe that this orange staining is the cause of the dieback, since it’s not common to all the trees that are dying, but it’s a curiosity worth inquiring about.  The orange color was most strikingly vivid when the trees were first cut.










Robert E. Marra, Ph.D.
Forest Pathologist
Department of Plant Pathology and Ecology
Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
123 Huntington Street, P.O. Box 1106
New Haven CT 06504-1106
Phone:  (203) 974-8508
Fax:  (203) 974-8502
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