Dear colleagues,

We are recruiting a PhD student to work with diseases of fast-growing broadleaves in Sweden. The position is a part of a new Centre of Excellence called TREES FOR ME which is about fast-growing broadleaves for sustainable forests, material and energy products. Please circulate to those who you think would be interested to apply!


Kind regards,




Dr. Michelle Cleary

Forest Pathologist, Associate Professor (Docent)

Senior Lecturer in Forest Pathology

Deputy Head of the Department for Research

Vice-Director of the Centre for Excellence on Fast-growing Broadleaves (TREES FOR ME)


Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences/ Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre/Sydsvensk Skogsvetenskap

Mailing address : Box 190, 234 22 Lomma

Visiting address : Sundsvägen 3, 230 503 Alnarp

Telephone (office) : +46 (0)40 415181

Telephone (mobile) : +46 (0)76 7878771

Email :


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Forest Pathology Lab 


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