Hello Forest Pathologists!


The IUFRO Division 7, Unit 7.02.11 Parasitic flowering plants in forests, is hosting a global meeting, “Mistletoes: Pathogens, Keystone Resource, and Medicinal Wonder” on July 17-22, 2016 at Southern Oregon University in Ashland, Oregon.  Ashland, Oregon is located in southern Oregon near the California border, and is surrounded by diverse forests with a diverse flora of Viscaceae (Arceuthobium and Phoradendron). 


We are now accepting abstracts for oral talks and/or posters.


Please visit the website to submit abstracts:  http://blogs.oregonstate.edu/mistletoe/


This will be an exciting meeting, please consider participating and please spread the word!


Sincerely, the Organizing Committee:


David Watson, Australia

Marcelo Wagner, Argentina

Simon Shamoun, Canada

Cindy Ross Friedman, Canada

Robert Mathiasen, USA

David Shaw, USA


Conference coordinator: Brianna Beene, USA





David Shaw

Associate Professor, Department of Forest Engineering, Resources and Management

Forest Health Specialist, Forestry and Natural Resources Extension

Director, Swiss Needle Cast Cooperative (http://sncc.forestry.oregonstate.edu/)

College of Forestry, Oregon State University

