Dear Colleagues:

Attached is the final attachment for the IUFRO 2022 NH Foliar, Shoot, Stem and Rust Diseases of Trees to be held 6/27 to 7/1/2022 at the University of New Hampshire in Durham, NH. Also attached is the agenda and field trip descriptions.

The registration cost of US$425 includes most meals and all field trips. Affordable accommodations is available at university dormitories. Registration and rooms can be reserved:


We have reached an agreement with the journal Frontiers in Forests and Global Change-Pests, Pathogens and Invasions to publish a special issue associated with the meeting. This is an opportune time because the Journal would begin receiving and publishing articles for the special issue in June, just as the Impact Factor is announced. There will be a lot of publicity around the journal at this time, which would, in turn, increase the visibility of the special issue.


If you would like to host the next "Foliage, shoot, and stem diseases" (7.02.02) meeting, please contact me via email at and copy Julio Javier Diez Casero at


We look forward to hearing from you!

Best regards,



Forest Service Shield

Isabel Munck
Plant Pathologist

Forest Service

State and Private Forestry

p: 603-868-7636
c: 603-833-5575

271 Mast Rd
Durham, NH 03824
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