Greetings friends and colleagues,


Apologies for cross posting. Please consider joining us in Sweden next June (2024) for a special session at the IUFRO 2024 World Congress. The session ‘Public engagement to keep urban trees and communities healthy’ (details below) is accepting both oral and poster presentations. Please note the deadline for abstract submissions is June 15, 2023.


IUFRO XXVI World Congress Session in Stockholm Sweden, June 23-29 2024 (


Title: Public engagement to keep urban trees and communities healthy
ID: 50013
Session type: Technical
Duration: 120 minutes
Congress theme: 4: Forests for sustainable societies


Oral and poster presentations welcome!


Organizers: Joey Hulbert1, Ana Perez-Sierra2, Rich Hallett3, Susan Hester4

1Washington State University, United States

2Forest Research, United Kingdom

3USDA Forest Service, United States

4University of Melbourne; University of New England, Australia


Description: Much of the world’s populations live in cities where they rely on the services of healthy urban forests. Keeping city trees healthy is critical for mitigating the effects of heat waves and ensuring communities remain resilient to climate change. However, urban forests are often the front-lines against invasive pest introductions and their general presence in the built environment predisposes them to the effects of climate change. Given the density of people in urban environments, there is enormous opportunity for public engagement to monitor and study tree health. This session will highlight many projects and approaches for engaging communities in urban forest health research globally. 


Abstracts can be submitted at


Please feel free to contact me with any questions. We hope to see you there

We are grateful for the extension of abstract submission deadline by the congress organizers.




Joey Hulbert, PhD
Forest Health Watch Program Director

Ravenholt Urban Forest Health Lab

USDA APHIS PPA INVASIVE Project (5.0595) Director

Ornamental Plant Pathology Program
Puyallup Research and Extension Center
Washington State University | 541-908-5129 |