Dear Colleagues,


A new EU COST Action FP1002 PERMIT (Pathway Evaluation and pest Risk Management In Transport) is now up and running and we had a successful science meeting in Belgrade during May of this year, with a further meeting to take place in Warsaw in December. We are keen to have more interest in the Action which deals with pathways for international movement of pests (both insects and pathogens) and what generic risk mitigation measures can be applied to reduce pest transfers. We are also looking at how people through their behaviour and perceptions can influence pest risks. More information can be found on the Action website (


For those readers in COST countries (see we also have the valuable capacity to fund Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) for Early Stage Researchers (i.e. within 8 years of post doctorate or equivalent qualification) to spend time in other COST countries to gain experience and work on topics related to the aims of the Action. Essentially, a grant of up to 2500 Euros can be offered to fund travel and subsistence. Since the Action is still relatively new, we are under-subscribed for 2011 and would welcome applicants who could carry out STSMs before the end of December. More details can be found on the Action website or by emailing me or the STSM coordinator, Dr Rimvys Vasaitis in at SLU in Sweden ( There will be further opportunities during the next three years of the project too. We look forward to your applications!!


Please let me know if you would like further details of PERMIT.


With best wishes,


Hugh Evans

Chair of PERMIT



Professor Hugh F Evans

Pennaeth Ymchwil Coedwigaeth yng Nghymru / Head of Forest Research in Wales


Swyddfa Genedlaethol CC Cymru/ FC Wales National Office,

Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru/ Welsh Assembly Government,

Rhodfa Padarn,

Llanbadarn Fawr,



SY23 3UR


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